Chapter 18 - Boyfriend Material

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"Are you crying?" 

Clayton scoffed in disbelief as he heard me sniffed while wipping my tears away. "I don't get why girls like this film so much," He popped a handful of popcorn into his mouth as he stare at the screen in a disapproving manner. Right now, we're watching The Notebook in my room. I started watching in as soon as I got home, but Clayton got bored so he decided to came along, and so he clambered into my room through the window. "I mean they both die in the end and you know it, it's not like there's something new everytime you watch it. Why do girls love romance and sad endings?"

"I don't know. I guess it depends on the person. For example, I love horror movies but sometimes I crave romance, or maybe even comedy, or thriller. Ultimately, it depends on my mood," I shrugged. "And also girls love romance, Wade. I mean, what kind of girl doesn't love romance? This movie is basically every girls' fantasy. To grow old with the one you love, to love despite all the challenges. Plus, Ryan Gosling is super hot." I said in a duh tone and Clayton laughed in disbelief.

"Hotter than me?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Is that even a question?" I shot him a blank expression.

He snorted and rolled his eyes, "Oh sweet little Serena, do you expect me to believe that? Every girls sure wants a piece of this," He gestured down at himself.

I wrinkled my nose in disgust, "Bite me."

He smirked. "Just tell me where, my darling."

I frowned at him as I threw one of my throw pillows to his face. "You're a disgrace to your own kind, Clayton whatever-your-middle-name-is Wade."

"It's Evan," Clayton said, popping another handful of popcorn into his mouth. "My middle name is Evan." He said whilst chewing.

"Swallow first, Evan." I said.

We watched The Notebook for a few more minutes before it finally ended. To be quite honest, I also didn't know why girls love this movie so much. I mean, I also don't get why I love this movie. As you know, I'm a horror kind of girl and sometimes romance doesn't solve my problems but The just different. No matter how many times I've watched it, it still gets me everytime – just like the first time.

"Hey cupcake," He turned to face me, staring at my face intently. "Your lips look so lonely. Would they like to meet mine?" I turned to face him, my expression full of horror.

"Is that supposed to be a pick up line?" I laughed, "That was horrible Wade. You should try harder."

"Careful what you wish for, cupcake" He smirked. Oh no. And ladies and gentlemen, that's how Clayton Evan Wade's parade of cheesy pick-up lines happened.

"Your ass is so nice. It's a shame that you have to sit on it," I shrugged casually. I heard that a lot. But he's not giving up, "When God made you, he was showing off." Again, I shrugged casually and stick my tongue out at him. How mature of me.

He grunted. "Hey I'm looking for treasure. Can I look around your chest?" He frowned and then laughed loudly. "Oh my god, that was so bad," He said and we both laughed – we laughed so hard that we had to lie down on the bed.

As we stopped laughing, unfortunately the parade didn't stop there. "Did you sit in a pile of sugar? Cause your have a pretty sweet ass," He winked.

Oh my god.

"Do you know what my shirt is made of?" He smirked, "Boyfriend material," He said as he made kissy faces at me, earning an eye roll from me."If you were a vegetable you'd be a cute-cumber."

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