Chapter Two: Unexpected Encounter

Start from the beginning

Charles pushed his thoughts away and got up when he saw it was time for the meetings. It wasn't serious meetings which consisted of meeting three authors and explain to them why they couldn't publish their books. They could either correct the error or take their book to other publishing house where they would do what Sanjay's company couldn't do because the authors books contained things that went against the companies policy.

It was around 12pm when his meeting with the last author ended. Charles remained in the meeting room to finalise his report which he had to give Sanjay so that he would know how the meeting went.

The door to the meeting room opened and Sanjay came in with a smile. Knowing how Charles was, he knew he would find him in the meeting room after a meeting rather than his office so he didn't even bother to stop by Charles's office.

"Hey Chaz, how did it go?" Sanjay asked while straddling a chair and looking at Charles expectantly.

"It was okay, just finishing up your report." Charles replied, finally looking up from the work to his young boss who had a smile on him like he was enjoying himself. There was a distinct scent on him that got his nose attention but Charles ignored it. "Where did you run off today?"

"I went to pick up a friend from the airport. It's his first time here and he wanted a place to stay while taking care of his business that brought him here."

"He must be a good friend to make you smile that much." Charles teased and Sanjay chuckled.

"You know the story about me and my husband Benja right?" Sanjay asked and Charles nodded, noticing the absence of his boss's playfulness in his tone. "I freaked out when I knew Benja was a hybrid. I didn't know who to talk to so I ended up talking to a guy online. I told him about the hybrids and I expected him to laugh and brush me off but he listened to me and even shade some light on the situation. He is a werewolf like you and he is the reason I am with Benja today because I planned on going MIA before I talked to this guy."

"Leave it to you to talk your problems out to a stranger on internet." Charles snorted and the smile was back on Sanjay's face.

"Don't judge me, Chaz. He is a good friend and after years of talking online, today I've finally met him."

"Where was your best friend for you to resort to talking to a stranger about your problems?"

"Nicklaus was not an option to talk to and now that I know what he is, I think a wolf hybrid is better because a dragon is too worse to come to terms with." Sanjay explained.

Sanjay was a human that got himself tangled in the supernatural beings by having an affair with his teacher while he was in highschool. The teacher was a wolf hybrid and got pregnant with Sanjay's child. Human males don't get each other pregnant unless if there is a supernatural being involved. So in explanation of how the teacher was pregnant, Sanjay was introduced to the world of supernatural beings.

The teacher, Benja, was related to Jonathan who was Charles brother's, Cemil, ex-mate. It was rare for wolf hybrids to have a mate and if they had a mate, the bond wasn't strong as that of normal werewolves. That is why his brother and Jonathan got away on rejecting each other with little effects since their bond was not yet grown. Sanjay and Benja had their own connection which could only be described as mates since there was a possibility even though Benja was a wolf hybrid.

"Whatever you say boss." Charles said and Sanjay got up from his seat.

"Just wanted to check on you. I'll be in my office and you can drop that report anytime."

"I'll stop by in a few minutes, I'm almost done."

"Alright Chaz."

Sanjay walked away from the meeting room and Charles got back to finishing his report. He had to finish editing the novel he started earlier before knocking off that day. After finalising the report, he exited the meeting room and headed to Sanjay's office. His nose caught the same scent that was on Sanjay and he realized it must have been the werewolf friend of Sanjay. He dismissed any thoughts of why the scent was familiar by deciding it was because the person was a werewolf. He didn't encounter many werewolves since there wasn't a pack anywhere around the city he lived and it was rare to meet a lone wolf.

"Come in." Sanjay shouted when Charles knocked on his close office door.

The familiar scent hit him hard when he opened the door. He had only managed a single step inside the office before his body froze. There was a man seated before him and he could only see his backside. The scent was coming from him and there was no mistaking of who it was but Charles still hoped it could be somebody else.

"Hey Chaz, don't just stand there. Come on in so that I should introduce you to my friend." Sanjay smiled when he saw his trusted employee standing near the office door.

"Charles?" Sanjay wondered when Charles remained standing by the door.

Upon hearing the name, Sanjay's friend turned around to face the door and he abruptly stood up when he saw who was behind him. He couldn't believe his luck but he was sure of who stood before him

Charles got himself together and with a scowl, he placed the report on Sanjay's desk and walked out of the office. He went into his office and got his laptop bag and a few things then left. He ignored people talking to him when he passed by them and only made his way out to the parking lot. He unlocked his car and dumped his things in the backseat. He was about to get into the car, to drive away, when someone shouted his name. He saw as Sanjay's friend ran towards him and that was enough reason for Charles to get inside the car and drive away. He had to get away from that man because he wasn't interested in opening that closed book once again.

Ron watched as Charles drove away from him and he was tempted to change forms and run for him. He groaned in defeat and his heart broke at the direct sign of rejection. But Ron wasn't going to give up because this was just the beginning.

He didn't know that ditching the hotel in order to stay with his friend would make him meet Charles faster than planned. Zach had only mentioned Charles living in the city but did not give out where he lived exactly or what he did. Ron had to find all that on himself and he had estimated to meet Charles a week from now not a few hours after arriving in the city. Perhaps fate was on his side after all.

"What's up with Chaz and you?" Sanjay asked after catching up to his friend who had left his office without giving him any explanation.

"Sanjay, you've been asking me what you could do for me to return the favor that I did by helping you out," Ron faced his friend who nodded to his statement, not knowing what Ron was getting at. "I'd like you to help me out on something."

Sanjay could only agree to help Ron on what he needed. He was after all returning the favor to his friend.


Until Next Time!!!


(Pic above is Charles)

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