A Switch Pt4

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A week had passed since the two of you confessed. You were both busy with work though so you had yet to set up a first date but it was fine because meanwhile, the awkward nature of Bartholomew was slowly melting away as the two of you exchanged text messages. Barry had worked in the daytime while you worked at night so it was rare that you saw each other despite living in the same house.

Today however, was your first day off in ages. You were settled onto the couch with a glass of wine when your phone buzzed.

"Y/N, my mom is coming over so be prepared."


You smiled at his tense message, "Prepared? You make it sound like she's some army general, Bartholomew."

You could practically see him sputtering out his excuse, "Of course not! She's just- really excited to see you."

"Bartholomew Allen! Are you telling me there's a time where she isn't excited to see me?"

"Y/N, you know that's not what I meant."

A quick text came soon after, "She's just excited for you to meet Dad."

That's right. You had yet to met the famous Henry Allen. Sure, you had spoken to him on the phone before and were actually pretty comfortable with the man but today would be the first time for you to meet face-to-face. It was slightly nerve-wrecking.

"Mhm.. I'm sure that's it." You teased.

"Y/N, please." Bartholomew could never take your's (or Nora's for that matter) teasing but you enjoyed watching him, or at least knowing that he was going to, squirm.

"I'm joking."

"Goodness. I shouldn't have introduced you to my mother. The two of you tease me endlessly."

".. Technically you didn't introduce us. She just let herself in your apartment."

"Since when do you focus on technicalities?"

"Since I started living with you, duh." You hoped you could see your eyeroll. You continued your text, "Don't worry, dinner will be ready by the time they'll get here."

The next text came after several minutes, "Thanks, Y/N."

You smiled and left your phone on the coffee table, pushing yourself off the couch. You sauntered over to the kitchen and turned on the stove before you. You surveyed the ingredients in the kitchen before you started prepping everything.

Miraculously, the Allens came home just as everything was ready to plate. You were carefully cutting out a piece of the Briám for each of the plates when you heard the front door unlock.

Bartholomew called out to you, "Y/N, I'm home.."

You heard him wince while Nora scolded him playfully, "It's 'honey, I'm home', Barry. " Bartholomew groaned as you snickered to yourself before replying, "Welcome home, sweetheart!"

You had to tease him.

You added quickly before she could jest at you, "Hi, Nora!"

Several pairs of footsteps were heard and just as you placed the last plate on the table; you turned around to see all of the Allens. You gave Nora a hug, smirking at Bartholomew as you did so, before you greeted Henry face to face for the first time.

"Hi.. It's nice to finally meet you. "

He smiled boyishly,"Likewise. It's wonderful to know that you're exactly as Nora described and how you seemed over calls. "

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