Denise: Thank you ma'am and yes I'm starving.

We all sat at the table as my mom finished cooking the last of the breakfast. I looked at Janet and her beautiful smile melted my heart.

Denise: So when did this happen.

She said pointing between me and Janet.

Janet: What do you mean?

Denise: When did y'all start fucking.

She whispered. Me and Janet's eyes got big as I nudge Denise and she started laughing.

Me: Denise!

Denise: I'm sorry. Y'all cute though.

Janet looked embarrassed and I just shook my head. My mom brought over plates and begin bringing the food to the table.

Me: Dad left for work already?

Mom: Yeah he had to leave early. He told me to tell you he love you and to call him when you make it back to your dorm.

I was a little upset because I wanted to see my dad before we headed back to school. We sat and ate breakfast as we talked with my mom.

We was just now pulling up to the college. We got out and Ciara grabbed her and Janet's things out the trunk and we headed inside the building. As we got to our dorms I pulled out my key to unlock the door.

Janet: Ci you still coming over.

Ciara: Yeah I'm gonna unpack and I be right over.

Janet: Okay.

I rolled my eyes as I walked into the room. I walked into my room and closed the door. I sat on my bed and pulled out an envelope I had in my purse. I opened and examined the pictures and letters I stole from ciara room this morning. I looked at the picture of my beautiful sister in what looked like a photoshoot.

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