Chapter 03

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My body was paining, my bones were broken, my strength was lose. I was doing martial art since four days with Zoe. I'm really weak in martial art, of course I'm not like Bruce lee, I'm just Andrea not Alex Parrish in Quantico. Zoe was much easy in martial art.  And then, He would have been white if it weren't for all the freckles. There were so many his face was brown with small pale spaces here and there, like the tips of grass struggling to show through the golden-brown leaves of fall. His hair was a perfect mop of red, it would have been lion-like had he not been so skinny. His  maroon t-shirt was tight , clinging where it shouldn't and hanging loose where it shouldn't. The concrete steps were damp from the morning rain, but he was sat right on them like it was summer. Already the frigid water was seeping in. Surely he must feel it. His arms were wrapped tightly around his knees that jutted up sharply. I took in his face for as long as I dared look, skeletal really. No-one's cheekbones should stick out so far. His face had no trace of life other than not being blue. 

Zoe gave me a painful hit, I fell down. "Stop" I shouted. She sat on the bench, the wind gave soft push to my pain. I sat on the other side of the bench. We were sitting in an angle, me in one side and Zoe on the other side.

"When can we enter the council?" I asked my first question of the day.

"I don't know"

"Don't lie"

She gave a bad stare "They're going to find another fusio"

Another one, These people were amazing, why they need another they have me.

"No one knows I'm fusio"

"Shut up"

"How can I shut up? Who is Sez? He is different" Zoe stood suddenly with my question.

"He is the next commander, he is responsible about the protection of Evigents"

"Why can't he say everyone that I'm a fusio" I again a question to her, I know the way getting the truth from Zoe.

"He just need to protect us"

"From what?"

She moved away without a reply. Percy came and sat next to me. "Problem?"

"Out of your business" I jumped to him and went away.

The night was much sleepy, I was wondering if only night was there and no day time. With you no longer here, sleep becomes a fleeting chore. I wrestle at nights with the dark and the light trying to find comfort from either side but most times I lose the fight. I have become content with my sleepless nights where I find comfort in my thoughts and memories of the past.

Things seem clearer but only for a while as I fight to take control of the lethargy that creeps up and create night time horror during my sleepless hours.

The dark consumes but sleep still eludes, it appears it has divorced itself from me. I'm sleepless at a time. "Get up, Andrea" I woke oh no, Sezraqh. "Why?"

"We should go, take a wash and come soon"

It was amazing, we were on a Ferrai Pinininfarina Sergio. It was red, luxury and more.

"How much is this?" I asked with much happiness.

"I don't know" He paused and smile to himself. "We stole this from Mexico"

I laughed with that answer. "I can't Evigents rob a shopping mall"

He smiled and stopped the car near an old building, he got down and opened the door to me. I looked front and looked front.

"Why?" Without speaking to him I signed from my eyes to my white heels and again showed him the muddy ground.

"Remove them and come" He went towards the building without caring me. Oh I really hate him, he doesn't care my white heels they'll get dirt. I put them inside, locked the car and took the key. I was standing on the muddy ground, my nails were brown. I followed Sez.

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