chaper three

62 7 4

Mia's P.O.V.

"Zach did you find them?" I asked as soon as he sat beside me. "Maybe not exactly," he answered as he raked his fingers through his hair.

"I mean I think I know their hideout" he continued. "Ohh". But what I don't understand is "why Gabe?" I blurted out the last part suddenly.

"Even I don't know that" he answered as he leaned back. "How is Gabe now?" he asked as he changed the topic. "Doctor said that the bullet had passed from very close to his heart. The poison would've spread a lot if he was brought any later"

"Fuck those guys I will make sure they don't live to see the sun again" he said angrily as he stood up. "Look Zach don't take any action in haste. First let me see who they were"

"No Nina I can't let you go there alone. We don't know how many of them are there" he said. "Zach you are doubting your own skills" I asked as I raised my eyebrow. "No.. I meant-"

"Zach give me the address" "But Nina I-" "Give me the damn address" I yelled at him clearly frustrated.


The place was not too far from the hospital and I knew that I could reach there by a bus.

The bus dropped me at a distance of five minutes from their place.

I walked towards as I checked my pepper spray, phone and pocket knife. You never know when you need them.

Their hideout was an abandoned warehouse. Alright this was not some scene where it is a lonely place at night and these people suddenly attack you.

This was real life and there were people out here plus the abandoned warehouse did not look creepy as it was always depicted.

I walked to the door and was about to knock on the door but decided otherwise. Who the hell would like to invite themselves to danger?

I walked to the side where I could see the window. What I hoped was that those people should be in the same room. But obviously luck was not on my side. The room was empty.

Plus to add to my bad luck the window was closed. Now being the Sherlock I was I searched for any open window which would let me in.

It was of no use. Why would anyone keep their window unlocked that too a gang. Ugh! Why the hell do I always have to suffer I groaned.

I turned and even before I could move out of the gate I heard voices. I had no time to run out so I just hid in the shadow of the house.

Thank God for the moonless night. I tried to get my breathing to normal which was not possible after having a thought of almost getting caught by people who could even kill.

Don't judge me. Yes! I knew fighting and stuff but that did not mean I was not afraid. Even I was a human and I could be afraid obviously.

"Dude she will be going to Manhattan" I heard a voice. Wait! I have heard this voice before. But, where? I tried to rack my brains. I knew that I knew this voice really well but who was it I could not connect.

"How are we going to recognise her? She never faces the real world easily" another voice spoke. "Ohh if she thinks that being behind the camera can hide her then she is wrong. If she thinks she can stalk us with the help of her pictures she is so very wrong" the same first voice spoke. Hearing that sentence panic arose in her. She just hopes it was not what they thought to be.

"Man! But, we don't even know how she looks" the other voice said unsurely. "You are so ńaive! Why the hell was I Mia's boyfriend for so long? Was it because I loved her? Bulshit! I never loved her. I was just with her for fame and popularity."

"But, how will she help us. She is dead." "Well she will be the way how we recognise Nina. No doubt that I did not like her but I have her face memorised."

The word 'dead' made me go still. It made me cold as it had five years back. I knew the person very well now. It must be Brian and Daniel. Brian Mia's treacherous boyfriend and Daniel the guy whom I was falling for or rather I had already fallen for him hard.

Good! That their true colours were shown before it was too late. Else, there was a possibility that I would have been in the same case like Mia.

I knew that they were following me and keeping a track of what I was doing. Now it was clear that Gabe was hurt because of me. What I could not believe that these people could be so heartless that they would hurt people I loved instead of me.

I wanted to run out over from there and face them and show them their real position. But, I remembered Zach's words, "do not take any decision in haste and anger"

I refrained myself from going and stood still where I was. The only thing that I did was look at those two people to confirm my suspicion.

Indeed the blonde haired one was Brian but the other guy with jet black hair that fell on his forehead and covered half his eyes was the person whom I would never forget.

His deep blue mesmerising eyes seemed to make me captive every time I looked at him. His light pinkish lips looked so cute on him. The way his right dimple deepened when he smiled and the way his mouth would lift to the right while he would smirk. I could remember him like a book.

I had never forgotten him. He was the best person. Well he 'was'. I don't know what came into him that he had to change. Change and take the bad way and make me leave him.

I was about to move back when I felt him look at me. It was as if our eyes met for a second before I looked away or maybe he looked away.

But, still that was enough to make my heart race like it had done before. Oh God don't make this more difficult for me than it already is I silently pleaded.

Daniel?? Is he any good to be till the end?

Well I am addicted to this song 'Another Heart Calls' by The All-American Rejects. Anyone else who is addicted to this song or who likes/loves this band.

Another thing Merry Christmas..! Early update since I will be out tonight. No! Not to celebrate X-Mas but for my mom's birthday!

As my best friend says, "she is a Christmas miracle"

Till next,
Love you all lots follow, vote and comment.

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⏰ Última atualização: Dec 10, 2019 ⏰

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