chapter two

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Michael's P.O.V.

"Mia Pierce, the best urban photographer!" I mumbled to myself. "How does she get the award every year?" I wondered aloud.

"She has a talent man," Chris said.

"As if I don't know that," I answered narrowing my eyes at him.

"But, what I mean to say is that she is not totally into photography, she has some other things in mind while she does this," I said trying to explain my thoughts in the form of words.

He gave me a look saying, I was speaking in some weird language.

"I mean look she has only done Urban Photography. Have you ever seen her doing any other photography? No right! There is something not right with how she hides herself from the world and everything," I said trying to explain further.

"I understand what you mean but, how does it even bother us? Let her do what she wants. She might have her reasons." he shrugged. I nodded but inside I was bothered. Not that I wanted to poke my nose in her matters but, something felt fishy.

Call it an instinct or anything but I could feel the mysterious aura as I further pondered over it. You cannot help it but be suspicious of every single thing when you are a detective.

Even he did not know that I was a detective. To the world I was psychologist. Weird I know but I have always loved to read people's mind. It is something that I have had wanted to do since I was in high school.

"Chris I'll get going now. Will meet you soon," I said and I stood up.

"Sure mate, we'll meet soon," he winked at me.

'Ugh! I hate this guy so much' I thought and rolled my eyes at him.

I got in my car and drove to my favorite person's house. It was my old language teacher who was more than a teacher to me.

She filled the role of mother in my life. The only difference being that I had to live with my father and not with her.

Not that I ever complained. I would never complain. He was the best father anyone could ever have. He never made me feel the loss of a mother he completed my every need and wish.

He tried to fill the role of a mother in my life as much as possible but, at times when he was away, I used to feel lonely.

But, my fairy god mother came in the form of my language teacher. I visited her whenever I was alone and basically that's how my childhood went.

I quietly took the spare key I had and walked in trying hard not to make any noise but she being she heard me and called, "is it you son?"

"Yea mom!" I replied as I hugged her from behind.

"How many times have I told you to not sneak in like a burglar?" she asked turning around and pinching my ears.

"Oww! But, you always seem to somehow notice who it is," I said as I rubbed my ear.

"I smell something-" I started as I took in the smell of cookies my eyes closing at the pleasant smell.

"Yes yes I made cookies for you," she said even before I could complete the sentence chuckling at my expression.

"Yumm.." I said my voice muffled because of my mouth full with the delicacy.

"I love these and also the person who makes them," I winked at her as I took another piece. 

"Grow up," she said laughing slightly as she smacked my arm lightly.

"Never" I tried to reply keyword being trying. I could not since my mouth was full again so I just shook my head in denial.

"Alright mom you know your favorite photographer Mia Pierce?" I started once we both settled. 

"Yea! What about her? Did you meet her?" she questioned.

'I wish' I thought to myself. "No but I think that something is fishy with her," I said.

"What do you mean by that?" she asked raising her eyebrows.

"I don't know just an intuition that she has a totally different motive"

"To be frank" she started looking serious face and added, "I don't understand your logic"

Then she burst out in laughter and I laughed along with her, because I knew that she would not understand me, only a detective would understand me. What I did not know was that only detectives did not have the same thinking, other people also did have.


I was at the hospital right now with dad waiting for him to come out. Waiting? Yea dad was diagnosed with cancer a few months back. It's not that serious but he needs to come for a regular checkup.

As I was seated a young lady around the age of twenty came and sat beside me. She had long black hair and hazel eyes.

Her cheeks were tear stained and her eyes were red and swollen. Her face was heart shaped and her beautiful eyes enhanced her beauty.

No! Don't say that I am checking her out. Well normally that's what people think but I was an observant person for the most obvious reason and I could not help it.

I got up and got a glass of water for her and as I was about to turn left, I heard some doctors say "Thank God Miss Pierce got him here at the earliest else he would've lost his life."

Pierce Pierce? Where have I heard that I tried to think. Mia Pierce my conscious suddenly answered for me. Mia Pierce the girl whom no one has seen.

"Do.." I started and was about to ask when a face came in front of me. I shook my head and remembered why had I come here. It was to get  her a glass of water.

I took it to her and said, "ma'am."

She looked up at me and stared as if trying to observe me. "Thank You," she replied as she took the glass.

I heaved a sigh of relief because it felt weird to be scrutinized by a girl. But, what intrigued me was that she seemed to be searching for something in me.

"Hi I am Michael," I started once she was done drinking. It took her a moment to answer before she replied,


I did not know how to make a conversation so I did not bother to continue lest I made it awkward.

"Miss Pierce" the same doctor I had overheard called out and I was about to look at who Miss Pierce was but at the same time dad came out.

"Let's go son," he said. I would've protested but it was of no use since by then the doctor had gone away. I looked beside me to look at Nina one last time but she too was gone.

Who did Nina get in the hospital? What do you think of Michael's character?

Let me know what your think in the comments below and also make sure you press the little star down.

Till next,
Love you all lots follow, vote and comment.

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