Chapter 2- Sonic

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I ran through a haunting swamp, dodging body's of water and avoiding branches. I came to a dead stop as i saw a streak zoom past me "Sonic why have you stopped" Tail's questioned as he flew back to the ground "Did you see that" Sonic asked while looking around him "I'm sure it was nothing." We made it out of the swamp and into a rich plains surrounded by lush grass, when the same streak zoomed past Sonic again making him stop "I'm pretty sure were being followed" Sonic stated as he looked to Tails "Your probably seeing things" Tails replied before witnessing a green hedgehog (About the size of Sonic) Towering over him "Oh, your definitely seeing things" the green hedgehog smirked as Tails walk towards Sonic "Who the hell are you" Sonic shouted as he ran towards the green hedgehog, who also ran towards his target and replied "I'm Scourge" before punching Sonic knocking him to the floor "And i'm going to kill you" Scourge went on with blood shot eyes "You may be fast" he added while moving to the side, avoiding Sonic's attacks "But you haven't been powered up by the master emerald" "Master emerald?" Sonic questioned as he got tackled to the ground "HA, you don't even know about it" Scourge mocked punching sonic's chest "The cult of Mephiles owns a gem of unlimited power" he went on as he finally got hit by Sonic "I absorbed some of the power" "Which i'm going to use to rip you apart, slowly" he threatened with a growing grin. "There's one thing you forgot about" Sonic smirked as he slowly got back onto his feet "I'm not alone" he added as Tails jumped on Scourge, knocking him down to the floor "Did i"Scourge smirked as he kicked Tails into the air and continued his fight with Sonic, Knocking him to the floor and then punching him before he stepped backwards, falling to the floor looking weak "Now i'm going to end you" Scourge growled as he ran towards Sonic.

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