A crime

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I couldn't think of any crime so I used a crime that when they went to a hotel. So I'll just borrow that crime. Thank you. On with the story.


Conan POV

"No good. He's dead." I said as I checked his pulse. "No way. Why do you have to be the murder magnet, Conan-kun?" Yuki teasingly whispered to me.

Am I really a murder magnet?

"Ran-chan call the police." She nodded and called them.

The suspects are... The 3 people who was with the man.

Once the police came, they questioned each one of them.

"So, Ishida-kun, what were you doing at this time outside?"

"I..I was talking pictures...of my lover's..hotel to...show...off friends. Since it's my.. First time coming here."
Ishida said while crying.

"Sir, why did you text the victim before death? As you see he recieved one from you." Inspector Megure asked.

"It's because I knew he was drunk. So I texted him to be resting in peace. Not like the word RIP. Just "Rest in Peace, my friend." Was the message right? I want him to get rest in peace." Michida said.

"And you sir, why did you call the victim?" Tagaki-keiji said.

"Well, I want him to be reminded about the time when he caused my girlfriend's death because of his words."

"Was it murder?" I asked. Then got hit by Oji-san.

"No. It was suicide." Musida said.

Then, I ran to the hotel to check the room.

"Wai-wait Conan-kun." Megure-keibu said. As he was able to catch up to me.

The curtains, the smudge on the window, and the strange placements of the furniture. What's more was that he was drunk and that cellphone...has the proof on it.

"I know! I know who it is!" Occhan said.

"Eh?" I asked.

Detective Conan: Meeting Yuki HeinzuTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang