Lies to the Truth

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Conan POV

Ran. Ran .Ran.RAN !

"RAN !.. " I shouted. "Neechan...." I continued as I opened the door. She was still there. Even her father and the proffessor. Wait.

Why is the proffessor here ?
And who...who is that woman with them ?
Is it a case ?

"She tricked us." Haibara whispered.
"Eh ? " I looked at Haibara.
"It's the same when we first met. I tricked you so that you will believe I am in the same condition as you. She must be, too. I guess.... She can, too, help us. Now... The truth will be unleashed. If we just ask." The evil-yawny eyed girl said.

"Hey, Oji-san. Who is she ? "I asked. Pointing at the woman. She smirked at me.

"Someone who is leaving her sister here because she is going overseas." Oji-san said.

Then, the door opened and Yuki went in.

"But, Oji-san ! You have to keep her until, then ! "

"No means no ! "

The woman frowned. And smiled.
"Then, you won't get paid." She said, heading to the door.

"Wa-wait !  I'll keep your pesky- I mean sister with me. Hahahahaha ! "

That old geezer. Easily manipulated.

"Well, thank you. I'll send the payment as soon as I land." She said. Waving goodbye.

"Hey, Ran-neechan. Why didn't you answer my call in the Agency even though you are here ? " I asked Ran. Haibara went out.

"Oh. You must have called when a client called." A case?

" She'll be coming here." Ran continued. And walked away.

"And? Don't you wanna hear my full story, Great Detective-san?" Yuki said.
I nodded." Where's your room anyway?" She didn't answer. She went in Ran's room."This one." In here? Just because they are girls. At least every bedroom has a roommate now.

"Well, then. Here's my full story. It somewhat the same as I told my fake story. When I was little, my sister and I will always wait for my father to come back after spying the BO. One night, he never came back. The FBI came to our place and said about our father. They lied to us that our father wasn't dead. But I was smart enough. They wanted us in the Witness Protection Program. Though my sister accepted, I declined. And I followed in my father's footsteps and became a spy to them. Luckily, with all my skills and the weapon I made, the jumping rope, I wasn't able to be seen. Until now. Gin found me and shot at me. I took one of the drugs. It was a glod thing I took the drug Ai-chan made. Since, I also spied at you because you were a victim, I couldn't let you go. So I spied at you and the others. I made no evidence that I was staring. When I took the drug, I became small and used my jumping rope in the last of my strength to go out. I made my way back to my sister. Luckily, she was there and had truth serum with her so she'll know I was telling the truth. She helped me and organized a plan to stay where you are staying. Since I can also help you in solving cases. And I am great at it. So, this is how I ended up like this."

Ding Dong....
Step... Step...
Knock knock

The client must be here.

I went down to the Agency. Yuki followed me. She froze once she saw the client. And she held my hand.
"What's the matter?"

"Don't..." She whispered. "Eh?"

"DON'T GO!" She shouted but the client heard and smirked. She went inside.

"Do you know her?" I asked her. She got back to her shock state and shook her head with a smile.

What's going on with her? Geez.....

Detective Conan: Meeting Yuki HeinzuМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя