She grabs my hand, I wince in pain as she cuts my palm open and has my blood fall to the ground. She then gabs my sword in the spot where the blood was at and I can see a pentagram forming.

A big opening appears and it looked like a portal to somewhere.

"What is that?" I asked as my words sounded shaky

"It's the gate to Gahenna. The gate to hell." She yelled.

I look back at where Yukio and the others were at, in the trees.

He did the hand signals we made up and he asked if he should do something. I shook my head no and went back to facing Shiemi.

"You aren't Shiemi." I say

"The Shiemi I know is nice and kind. She wouldn't hurt a fly and the way you've been making her act is not who she really is. I know that she would never open up the gate for hell and she'd never wish me dead. Show yourself."

"You caught me. I'm not Shiemi, I'm just using her body. I'm Satan and I want you to come back to Gahenna with me." Shiemi said

"Never" I yell as I brighten my flames and break through the vines.

I run past Shiemi and tried pulling my sword out.

Shiemi kicked me and I fall into the Gahenna gate.

I try moving but it felt like quick sand.

I then see Yukio and Rin jumping down from the trees and everyone else follows them.

"You won't have her" Rin yells.

Izumo, Shima, Bon, and Miwa try taking out the black figure as Rin and Yukio try getting to me through Shiemi.

Yukio pointed his gun at Satan.


He backs down and Shiemi punches him knocking him out.

Miwa runs to help Yukio and the black figure wraps The others in its vines.

"I'll have no choice" Rin yells

He takes his sword out of its bag and opens it. He sparks with blue flames and the others look at him with jaw dropping expressions.

He sure is better with a sword than I am.

"Shiemi, I know you're in there. Look at me, it's me Rin. You're best friend, you were my first friend. You can fight this, don't let him control you like this." Rin yells

I can see her eyes turning back to the color green.

"R..Rin... h help me..e" she choked on her words.

"You actually think that you can save this girl, I'm Satan. How about you be a good son and come with me to Gahenna. We'll be a family again." Satan says through Shiemi

I could see Rin getting frustrated and what did he mean by son? Rins father died...

"Shiemi fight him. Fight for you, all of us. We love you, I love you" Rin says

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