Chapter Seventy-Five: Dont Do It In Vegas

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Ch. 75 -

I was so caught up in Aisley getting here and my parents accepting it that I had totally forgotten about that.

"I...I'm not sure yet. It kind of depends on when the boys have a bunch of free time before a tour or concert," I said.

"Just don't do it in Vegas," my dad said.

I laughed because that's what my parents had done. They eloped in Vegas because they wanted to rebel against your parents. The witnesses to their marriage was none other than Zayn's parents. They had told me that story over a hundred times and each time they had finished the story they would tell me, "Jillian, do not get married in Vegas."

"Don't worry dad. I don't want to get married there anyway. I'm kind of torn between the beach that Zayn and I had our first date and some really fancy mansion. It kind of depends on what Louis decides."

"Louis?" my mum questioned.

"Yeah, he's helping me out with a bunch of stuff."

"Shouldn't it be on what you decide?" my dad asked.

"Yea, but what I meant was the dresses category. He picked out my dress for the dance, so I am pretty much trusting him again, only this time with picking out the bridesmaids dresses. He will have no say in my wedding dress since I'm not marrying him."

My mum and dad laughed.

"I'm serious you guys. You should have seen him when I was trying on dresses for the school dance. He would pout whenever I didn't like a dress. Like, 'hello! You're not the one wearing it, I am.' He is such a goofball."

"Wait just a minute...he watched you try on dresses?" my mum asked.

I rolled my eyes.

"No mum, I was in a dressing room changing. Besides, Zayn was there too."

"So he watched you try on dresses?"

I almost screamed but I didn't because I knew it would wake up Aisley and Zayn wasn't back yet to comfort her if she began to cry.

So I shut my eyes and said through my teeth, "No mum. He stayed outside of the dressing room with Louis."

"Not that it really matters Michelle..." my dad said but then stopped. I knew where he was going and I knew my mum did too.

"You've got a point there," my mum said.

"Mum, dad, what's your problem?" I asked when I opened my eyes.

They just stared at me.

"Can't you both be happy that you have a beautiful granddaughter?"

Neither of them answered me.

"I want you both out now."

"Why, Jillian?" my dad asked.

"Just go please."

"Answer your father first," my mum said.

"Why should I? You didn't answer my question. Now please go before I yell. And I really don't want to because it'll wake up Aisley and the only thing we know so far that will calm her down is Zayn singing to her."

"Zayn's voice calms her?" my mum asked.

Was she deaf? I just told her that! I mentally face palmed myself.

"Yeah mum, he'd sing to her and I every night."

"That's sweet of him," my dad said.

"Stop trying to make me not mad at you guys. Leave now."

I pointed towards the door.

"Does this mean we won't be able to see Aisley for awhile?" my mum asked.

It's like my mum wanted me to scream at her. I shut my eyes again; it was the only thing keeping me from screaming. The door opened and my eyes flew open. My parents were gone and Zayn was back. I was sure glad someone who made my mood happier was in the room.

"Well, hospital food sucks so I got you something from McDonald's."


lol, Mcdonalds


and blah blah blah

-Ari Horan-

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