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arelis pov

"So you also saw the man and he brought you guys here." I asked them and both of them nodded there heads. "You guys haven't answer my other question. Why are you in the night class?" I asked them again.

"Because both of them are vampires." Zero told me and I  turned around to see him and then back at Amy, and Andrea. "That can't be. The only person that can turn humans into vampires is..." I turned around and looked at kaname and then I  walked up to kaname and then I slap him across the face and then I head everyone gasped. "HOW DARE YOU SLAP LORD KANAME. YOU HUMAN." I heard aido and ruka screaming a me.

"Does it look like I care." I told them and then both of them started to walk up to me. "Aido and ruka that's enough. " kaname told them both and both of stop. "But lord kaname she slapped you." Aido told him and I just  rolled my eyes at him.

"You should worry about yourself even more then you're leader. You little puppy." I told him and then Amy, and Andrea chuckled at the comment that I said to him. "Thats  enough both of you. Areli I want to see you in my office." Kaname told me and I rolled my eyes and then nodded my head. Kaname and the rest of night class followed him and then aido and ruka glared at me and I glared right back at them.

"Will bye areli see you later." Amy told me then walked away and Andrea followed her. I waved my hand to both of them. "Areli are you okay?" Zero asked me and I nodded my head. He put his hand on my shoulder and then I put my hand on top of his hand. "Kaname will pay for what he did." I told him and then he hugged me.

Amys pov

"I can't believe that the human had the nervous to hit lord kaname." I heard aido telling ruka. I got so mad that I hit the desk that I was in and Andrea tried to claim me down. "You know that human as a name and her name is areli and she's my sister and if you say anything else mean about her I will not be afraid on using the bloody rose gun on you." I screamed at both of them and both of them shut up and sat down on their chairs.

"Amy that good of you for  standing up to both them." One of the vampire said and I look who it was and I found out that it was my favorite person siren shiki. "Thanks siren." I thank him and he nodded his head and then took a sit next to me. "Your welcome and you can shiki of you like." He told me and I nodded my head.

Kanames pov

Areli is a brave girl. She even have the bravery to hit me. She even reminds me of zero when we were together. "Lord kaname what will you do to that girl that slapped you." Aido told me and then the whole night class people turned around and looked at me but not Amy, nor Andrea. "Nothing I will do nothing to her." I told all of them.

Zeros pov

Me and areli were both walking around the school and then she sat down under a tree. "The sunset is so beautiful when you look at it." She told me and I nodded my head. I sat down next to her and she put her head on my shoulder. "You have to see kaname. He doesn't like it when people are late." I told her and then she chuckled a little.

"It seems that you know kaname ever will." She told me and I nodded my head. "Will, its because I been here with him all year. " I told him and then she nodded her head. We both look at the sun going down and it slowly become the night of the vampirs.

Night time

"I should be going to his office." She told me and she got up and I got up and then I hold her hand.  "Be save." I told her and then I kissed her on her head. "I will." She told and started to walk off to the moon dorms.

Kanames pov

I excused myself from class and head to the moon dorms. I waited for areli to arrived but she never showed up. "Kaname we're back do you want dinner." My friend takuma told me. "No takuma." I told him back and I hears his foot steps getting weaker and quiter.

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