different world

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Amy, Andrea and I were walking back home but we stopped to buy some snacks at the dollar tree. Our of the corner of my eye, I saw a man walking towards us, I shrugged it off and continued walking until I felt myself being turned around and the only thing I saw was a familiar face until a eye-blinding Flash was all around. Until everything went black and still

Cross academy

Zeros pov
Yuki and me we're trying kept the fangirls away from the gates so that the night class can  past and get to their classes in time.

"AIDO-SEMPI MARRY ME." one of girls from the day light class scream. I turned around and the gates had opened and then my eyes landed on my ex-boyfriend kaname kuran. I turned back around and held back day class from running over the night class. "Hey zero." I heard somebody said and then I turned around and it was kaname. "H-hey kaname." I told him. I know he was the one that broke my heart but I could bring myself from hateing him. He smiled and then walked away and lead the rest the night class.

Night time

I was walking around the school and then I saw a bright light and from that bright light a girl came out of it. She landed on her back and ran up to help her. "Hey are you okay?" I asked her but I known that she wasn't okay but I was just being nice. She looked at me and her eyes widen up and she tried to get up but she couldn't. "Hey, hey. Its okay I'll help okay." I told her and she nodded her head and then she  fainted.

In the infirmary

"She has multiple bruises on her body and she had some cutes on her arm." The doctor told me and I nodded me head. He showed me where the girl was. she was resting then the doctor left me and her alone.

Areli pov

It was all dark I couldn't see anything the only thing I remember was someone saying "where's areli." Probably Amy. I squinted my eyes and closed them back  "Amy turn the lights off my eyes hurt ." I told her and then I heard a clicking  sound and then I tried again to open my eyes and there was no light to bother me anymore. I looked around me and there was white curtains and then I look at myself and saw that I was on the white bed. Did we change house? Or did Amy do this? Nah she's too lazy. "Hey what's you're name?" I reconize this voice way to much. I looked to my left and then I saw a him. "Areli." I told him and then when my eyesight was better then I saw who was it.

"Zero? I asked. He nodded I still couldn't believe it

Ring ring

I looked for the sound and then I looked at my backpack then I walked up to it. I got out my phone and saw that it was Amy my little sister.

What do you want.

Amy: where the fuck are you?

I have not idea where I am.

Amy: okay but who are you with

You won't believe me if I told you

Amy: try me

I'm with zero

Amy: zero as in zero kiryu from the anime vampire knight


Amy: you're right I don't believe you. Bye


I hung up and then put my phone in my pocket and then I put my backpack and when I did my back hurted like hell. "You shouldnt do that." Zero told me but I rolled my eyes.

"Do you have any idea where I am?" I asked and he nodded his head. "At cross academy." He told and I gasped and then looked at him and then I smirked. "Cross academy. Where the humans and vampires can co-exist?" I asked him and he widen his eyes and then walled up to me. I thought he'll be smaller then me but his bigger then me. "How do you know about vampires?" He asked me and then I rolled my eyes again. Then I pushed him away from me. "Because I just know." I told him and then I walked out of room and hide outside.

Zero pov

This girl is very careless I mean if something hurts leave it or let it heal. But she is also very interesting she may know I'm a hunter but how does she know I'm an ex human?

Cross's office

I went to the headmasters room. "Headmaster I need to speak with you." Zero asked the headmaster and the headmaster nodded his head. "There is a girl that just came and she knows about vampires and all my information." I told cross and cross throw his coffee to the floor. "Whats her name and what did she say?" he told and I told him everything that areli told me and even her name. Cross nodded his head at me for understatment. "Bring her here and I'll call Kaname." He told and I growled at the name.

In zeros room

I can finally lay back and relaxe. I slowly closed my eyes.

I was looking at both of sides of the tree because me and kaname were playing hide and go seek. "Zero come out where ever you are." Kaname told me but of course I didn't want him to fine me. I looked at my left and he wasn't there anymore and then I came out of hiding and then I felt hands covering my eyes. "Will I guess I win." A voice said behind me and I smiled. Kaname took his hands away from my eyes and turned me around. "You win." I told me and he kissed and then...
End of dream

I quickly woke up and I look outside my window and I found out that it was the middle of the night. But I also something else a shawdo next to my window but the shadow was laying down on the floor. I opened it and looked down and I found that it was the new girl areli. I bend down and picked her up. "You shouldn't sleep out in the cold." I whispered because her skin was ice cold.

I wrapped her in the blankets and I laied down next to her. Her pale skin glows beautiful when the light of moon hits it. Her pinkish lips and her black hair. "She's so beautiful." I told myself but I brain slapped my brain because I can't fall in love with a person that I meet and that knows everything about this school and that can be a danger to all vampires.


I woke up and looked at areli that was next to me cuddle up and I  smiled at her and touched her hair. It's more soft then kanames. I looked at her and then she started moving that's when I took that as a single that she is almost wakeing up. I got out of bed and then head to the bathroom and took a shower.

In Florida

Amy pov

"Hey Andrea have you heard from areli?" I asked my cousin and she shook her head. I growled at that. I looked out the window and this man had been standing there all night and it's kind creepy. "Andrea get a knife and let's head outside." I told her and she nodded her head again and got out a knife. We head outside and walk up to the man. "What are you doing here and why are you watching us?" I told him but he didn't answer. I grabbed his arm and then I felt Andreas hand on my arm. Then this bright light surround me, Andrea, and the man.

Back at cross academy

Zeros pov

I came out of the shower and I saw that areli was still asleep. I walked over to her and moved piece of hair off from her face and tugged it behind her ear. I looked at the clock and I was late for class. I got up and walked out of my room but not before giving areli a kiss on her cheek.

Kanames pov

I was sleeping so peacefull but then there was a thud. I tried to fine the thing that made that sound and I found two girls laying on the floor. One was skiny, had a black shirt and matching pants, some weird shoes on, and straight hair. But the other one was fat, had curly hair, had a pink shirt and matching pants, and black shoes. The one that was skinny got up and started to look around. Then her eyes landed on me and her eyes widened. "You look like a person that I know." She said before fainting. I walled over to them and put a hunter charm on them to make then like there vampires but for real their human. I looked at the clock and it was almost for crossover.

Arelis pov

I woke and I looked out the window and saw that it was almost night time. "Fucken hell." I cursed out loud. Then I realized that I was wrapped in blankets and laying in bed. "Will you're finally wake." A voice said and then I looked at the spot that the voice came and then I saw zero kiryu.

"Know tell me what are you doing here and how do you know about vampires and about me." Zero told me. I sighed then I got out of his bed. "And why do you want to know?" I told and then he walked close to me and then he his body was closer to mine.

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