myth real or not?

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Kanames pov

"Three girls will travel to different times and one of them will come first and then the other two will follow her behind her. Two will be hidden from the other vampires and one will be a vampire." I read out loud and zero looked at me. "Then were are the other two?" He asked me.

"There here in the night class." I told him and he walked around and I could see that he was worried. "Whats the next thing about the myth?" He asked me but I shooked my head. "I don't have the next part." I told him.

Areli pov

My body was burning. I turned and twist all around the bed and then I let out a scream. "AHHHH." and then I h we add foot steps running to the door. I turned around and saw zero and kaname standing there. "Z..ZERO... AHHH." I said his name then screamed out. I saw them both running to me.

"Areli drink my blood." Kaname told me but I shook my head. I smelled blood and then I turned to zero but he shook his head and I look at kaname and he had all of his neck all bloodly. I brought him closer to me and then I licked the blood that was running down his neck and then I bit down on his neck.

His blood was so sweet. I stopped and then I looked at zero with sad and then looked away. "Kaname can you leave me and areli alone." I heard zero telling kaname and he nodded his head. Them kaname got up and started walking away. Me and zero looked at each other with such silents. Zero walked close to me and he sat down on the edge of the bed. "So you made your choice?" He asked me and then I nodded my head and then looked away from his eyes. Those eyes are know fell with hatered and sadness. "I'm sorry." I apologized to him.

I smiled and then bend down for  our foreheads can touch each other. "Don't be. I might be mad and sad but it's not because of you." I told me and I kind of played with his soft sliver hair. He planted a kiss on my cheek and then on my forehead. "Come let's get out of here." Zero told me and I smiled and then I nodded my head. I got out of the bed and zero held out his hand for me and I took it. Then we started to walk to the door and there the whole night class was there but I didn't see Amy, or Andrea. "What do you bloodsucks want?" Zero asked them but they didn't respond they just look at me. "Whats wrong with you guys?" I asked them but they repond to me.

"We were doing what vampires do but then we smelled blood." Takuma told us and then his green eyes widen. "It can't be. So the myth wasn't just a myth." Takuma told us and I looked at him confused but all of the night class people gasped. "What myth?" I asked them but before takuma could say something zero stop him. "I will tell you later but right know you meed some rest. " he told and I nodded my head.

Takumas pov

So this girl is the choice one. I have to learn more about the myth or more like the story that was past down to pureblood to pureblood. Or maybe I can asked kaname if he could tell me about it.

Kanames pov

Areli was meant to be my wife, the future queen and the one will free me from rido spell. Yuki isn't supposed to be nothing but just a sister. But she loves zero and not me.

But when the time comes she'll come just like that monster that I use to call uncle.

Aidos pov

This human... I mean vampire. Know is the protecter of the whole night class and vampires all of world. This can't be because what I heard is that three girls will come and one will be the choice one but there only one girl and we don't have the other two.

I hope you guys like this whole different povs but if you don't just comment and I won't change it anymore.

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