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Jonathan starts to laugh from beside me. I stare at our cake in horror. Everyone around us is laughing, and I already know I'm going to kill whoever did this.

"Andrew", I look over at him. By the expression on my face, he know's he's in serious trouble. "I am going to kill you. This was you, wasn't it?"

"CJ. Calm down. You cake is over there", Andrew says, continuing to laugh. He points behind us. I take a huge sigh of relief. My perfect cake with fondant lace and pink fondant flowers sit on a cart placed at the edge of the garden.

"Come on", Jonathan whispers into my ear. I follow him over to the cake and Mom hands us a cake knife. Everybody around us watches as I put my hand on the handle, and Jonathan's hand lays over mine. We cut into the bottom layer of the cake, our guests cheer around us.

Before Jonathan can, I pick up a piece of the cake, smashing it into his face. Everybody laughs when he wipes his face off, picks up his own piece of cake, and smashes it into my face.

With cake on both of our faces, we stare at each other for a moment. Jonathan leans down and pecks me on the lips. "I love you Jonathan", I whisper.

"I love you, Mrs. Toews".


As soon we land in The Bahamas, Jonathan and I find our way from the airport to our resort. We're here for two weeks, and almost stayed longer, but Dad wants us back a week before major practice starts for the season.

Staring down at my hands in my lap, one hand holds Jonathan's, his thumb rubbing over the back, I think about what I want to ask him, as the taxi driver drives through a village. I mean, it's our honeymoon, we're husband and wife, shouldn't I be able to do it with my husband. We haven't talked about it much, not since before the season ended and we won the Stanley Cup in June. I'm scared that he'll tell me he thinks that I'm not ready, and I'm not entirely sure I am either, but I want to try. It's been almost ten years, shouldn't me and my brain know that he won't hurt me like Brad did.

"Jonathan. I want to talk when we get to the bungalow. I need to tell you something", I continue to stare at my hands.

"Of course, Baby. Is everything alright?"

"It's fine, perfect actually, I just can't exactly talk about this in a taxi".

The taxi pulls up to the resort, I pull out cash to pay the cab driver, and Jonathan pulls our two suitcases from the trunk of the car. I sit with our suitcases on a cushioned bench while Jonathan checks in at the front desk. I take a picture of just the front lobby and send it to Kayla. The entire inside is decorated with wild plants and flowers.

"Ready?" Jonathan smiles down at me. I lock my phone and shove it into the pocket of my sundress. We clasp hands and walk out a back entrance door of the main building. The warm Bahamian breeze hits us in the face, making my long blonde hair swirl around me. I sway our hands between us, and our free hands drag our suitcases behind us. Jonathan walks us to the last cabin on the dock he was told to go down. After letting go of my hand, he takes a key out of his pocket and unlocks the fragile looking front door.

"After you", Jonathan pushes the door open and motions for me to walk in. I step through the threshold of the small ocean cabin. We walk into the open kitchen, living room space. An island counter is placed in between the kitchen and the first couch in the sitting room, a small stack of papers sits on the counter. l set my suitcase at my feet and look at the welcome papers as Jonathan shuts the door behind him.

"What are these?" Jonathan stands behind, my back pressed against his. A shock runs through my body as he leans over, moving even closer to me.

"Just some welcome papers, I think", I reply. "Activities we can sign up for, or dinner times for different kinds of food".

I set the papers down and look around the first part of the bungalow. "What did you want to talk about with me?" Jonathan asks, looking out a window at the crystal clear ocean.

"I wanted to tell you I was ready", I mutter, playing with my fingers behind my back.

"Ready for what?" Jonathan asks, extremely confused.

"Ready to have.....s£x", I answer.

Jonathan turns his entire body to me, looking at me with somewhat of a concerned look. "You don't have to be ready just because we're married. You don't have to say you're ready if you're not. I'm okay with it, CJ, I promise".

"Jonathan, I haven't been able to do it before now because I felt like I couldn't trust the man I was with, intimately at least. And I feel like marrying someone is the biggest way you can say you trust that person, in every way. I'm ready to have s£x again, with you".

"Oh. Okay", Jonathan says, still a little stunned. "We can try tonight, if you would like. This is about the fact that you're ready. I really don't want to if you aren't up for this".

I walk over to Jonathan and wrap my arms around his neck. He smiles down at me, gripping my hips gently. "I trust you. I'm ready for this, I know it. I can't think of any other person I would rather be with right now. And, right now, it sounds like I'm about to lose my virginity to someone. But, that's kind of what it seems like to me, since it's been so long and I've blocked that sensation and feeling from my mind. I don't remember what it was like to enjoy it. I want you to be the man that makes me remember it".

"You're giving me a lot to live up here, CJ", Jonathan chuckles. "I don't know if I can deliver the things you want to remember again".

"Jonathan, you are most gentle person ever around women, you somehow found it not crazy to marry me, and you're sexy as hell. I think you'll do just fine".

I place a kiss on his lips, slow, sultry, emotional.


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