Playful Heart [1] Young Blood

Start from the beginning

"I want to get out of here. Before my birthday. Somewhere far away and I want you to come along with." Nate's parents were killed in a raid on our pack a couple years back. We lost a lot of people that day, but his parent's death was by far the worst. They were literally torn limb from limb, and poor Nate was just sitting there, covered in their blood. It took a couple years of intense therapy to get him to act normal again. But even now, he still has moments where he just shuts off from the world.

"Normally I would reject this type of offer, but seeing as we're going to be eighteen soon and I hate this town so fucking much. I'll go." My eyes widened and a huge smile spread across my face.

"Are you for real right now?"


"Like one hundred percent."

"Uh huh."

"Really really?"

"Yes Nikolai, really. Holy shit." I clapped my hands at how much easier this was going to be. Now, I just needed a place to go.

"So where exactly are we going?" Nate asked the question running through my mind.

"I was just thinking that same think."

"You mean you came up with the idea of leaving, but had no place in mind?" I shyly smiled at him and he groaned, rubbing his hands along his face.

"What place?" I gave out the girlest shriek at the sudden voice behind me. Everyone in the cafe turned to look at us with looks of distaste and I quickly met them with my evil glare.

"Navaeh, why would you do that? You know he sounds like a girl when he screams." Nate groaned.

"Yeah---Wait what? I do not sound like a girl. That was a very manly scream." I scoffed offended.

"Clearly." Navaeh murmured as she took a seat at our table. "Now, where are you planning to go that you have told no one about?" Nate opened his mouth to tell her, but I quickly threw my hand in his face and turned to look at Navaeh.

"Don't worry about it. You aren't even invited to come with us." I said in a snotty tone, pointing my nose up to add emphasis.

"Okay Gretchen Wieners." Navaeh scoffed. "But don't come crying to me if Tyler and Ryder come to destroy your stupid plan that you think is so fool-proof."

"You mean, I won't come crying because I am a man and we don't cry, and you won't tell your dad or mine because its clearly a fool proof plan that you are going to help with."

"But you just said that she wasn't invited." Nate said from behind me.

"No comments from the peanut gallery." I snapped at him and he looked at me like I had grown another head and smacked his forehead. He started mumbling something about being best friends with a brick, but I shrugged it off and looked back at Navaeh. She was my cousin after all. Well, not by blood, but seeing as my dad and her dad were like brothers, we kind of just fell into the cousin category.

"I don't have a place yet, or a full plan, but when I get it together, I will let you know. Your job as of now, however, is to make sure that no one, and I repeat, NO ONE, find out about this." I sat there for a couple minutes as Navaeh scrunched up her face, signaling that she was thinking this through. She finally took a deep breath.

"All right." I smiled and turned to smack Nate on the arm.

"She'll help!" I yelled at him. He grabbed his injured arm and looked at me with a face of horror.


"Shut up. I know you get hot and heavy over someone whacking you with a whip, so don't even say it hurt." I looked at Navaeh from the corner of my eye and saw she was watching us. She smirked and stood up, bringing my best friend and my attention to her.

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