Pumpkin Mocha Breve

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{A.N: This is the first chapter of this Christmas Special and it's an AU, so enjoy ^^ Also, O.N will mean "Omniscient Narrator"}


I heard the sound of a bell when the door opened. It was 7:45 am and the place was empty until then, actually the streets in general were kinda empty. Who was in Starbucks on a freezing Monday morning anyways?

-Good morning, what would you like to drink? -I said to the client, a tall pale boy that seemed about my age.

-What do you recommend? -he asked with a smirk on his face. Seriously, who was this guy? 

-Well... People really seem to enjoy the pumpkin spice latte, or the toffee and almond hot chocolate. -I said. He looked like he wasn't satisfied with my answer. -But if you like sweet stuff I think I could make something special...

He  raised his eyebrow and I could feel my face go all red. I turned around immediately and started to prepare the drink. Normally Penny -my coworker and best friend- would make it, but I was covering her shift so she wasn't here. Actually I'm not complaining, I'm glad she can't see the mess I am right now.

When I finished I searched for him with my eyes; he was sitting across the bar, looking at the window.

-Um...-He turned his head and smiled at me. Then came to grab the drink.

-Baz. And you are? -Still with his eyebrow raised and a side grin on his face I thought to answer 'single', but I knew that in a million years I've been able to do it, so I just said "Simon". -So, Simon, how much is it? For the drink, I mean.

-It's on the house.

-But I-

-It's just a drink, let me invite you.

-At least would you tell me what is it?

-It's a Pumpkin Mocha Breve, I... Um, I came up with it myself. Do you...like it? -I don't know why I was so nervous, usually I'm pretty slick (no, not really). I lifted my head up and noticed that he was looking at me, right into my eyes. Just then I noticed that his were gray.

-I love it. -Then he looked down at a bag in his hand and up again.- Do you like cherry scones, by any chance?

I smiled.


The street was still mostly dark, except for some cars and the light coming from the small Starbucks in the corner, in which a couple of boys could be seen laughing and enjoying their drinks sitting across each other on a table for two by the window, like they didn't care about anything, not even the fact that they were in Starbucks on a freezing Monday morning.

Snowbaz One Shots {Christmas Special}Where stories live. Discover now