Chapter Three: The Gym Incident

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I smile and nod. Now that I think about it, it's a pretty nice color. I look at him and he looks at me. For some reason I've felt like I've seen him somewhere else before California.

Then it comes to me. He's the boy with the bread. He's the one that saved my family's life. After my dad died I couldn't find game in the woods. It was hard.

I've tried my best to find food so Prim can eat but it was so hard. My mom didn't work because she was in a really deep depression. So there was no money coming in the house.

I went through people's trash to see if I could find anything to eat. If I was lucky, I did find some food but I would give it to Prim. Because her life was more important than mine.

One day, I was going through the Bakery's trash and Peeta's mom or aunt I think, saw me. She yelled nasty things at me so I ran away.

I was so hungry and I was probably on the brink of dying. I saw a blonde hair boy and he looked the same age as me. He had two loaves of burnt bread in his hand and he saw me sitting near a tree in the pouring rain.

He looked back at the Bakery and back at me. He walked a little closer and threw the loaves of bread at me. I got up and he went back inside.

I grab the loaves and ran back home. Those two loaves saved my life. And I never got the chance to thank him for that. Until now.

"Oh my god. Your the one." I say him to softly. He knits his eyebrows and says,"What?"

"You used to live in Kentucky. Your the boy with the bread. You saved my life with those two loaves of bread." I tell him.

"You remember that?" He asks me with a surprised look on his face. "Why wouldn't I? You saved my life."

"About that. I shouldn't of thrown that bread. I should of walked up to you and gave it to you." I interrupt him by hugging him tight.

"I don't care how you gave it to me. I care about the fact that you did give it to me and saved me and my little sisters life. And I thank you so much for that." I say while still hugging him.

He hugs me back and says,"Your welcome Katniss." I pull away and smile. I didn't ruin a possible good friendship, I started a good friendship.


It's been almost a week since Peeta and I talked at Finnick's Party. Me and Peeta have gotten so much closer since that day. We talk so much more then we did before.

Everytime that I talk to him now I get these little butterflies in my stomach. It's really weird though because I've never had these feelings before.

Just thinking about him sometimes makes me smile. He's truly a really great friend. The bell rings and we all walk to our next class.

Me, Annie and Johanna walk inside the girls lockeroom and change into our gym clothes. "So how are you and Peeta doing?" Annie asks me.

I knit my eyebrows together and ask her,"What do you mean how are we doing?" She rolls her eyes and says,"I think you guys should date. You guys look really cute together!" She says all gushy.

I roll my eyes and say,"No. We're just friends Annie. I don't even like him." She crosses her arms over her chest and says,"You do like him. And I think he likes you."

"Annie stop. It won't happen. He doesn't even like me. Okay?" I tell her putting my stuff in my gym locker.

"Of course he doesn't like you. He doesn't like girls like you." I hear a girl say behind me. I roll my eyes and turn around.

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