Chapter 2: The Tension

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The brothers walk out of the barn to the Impala and gets inside after packing away all of their gear. It's a silent drive between the brothers because Sam is asleep in the passenger seat and only the faint music in the background coming from the radio fills the Impala. After awhile of just nothing Dean starts to get a bad feeling in his stomach when suddenly his worries about Castiel were 10x worse then before and all of these questions start popping into his head.

'Is he okay? Will he be okay? Is he really just at the Bunker right now? Is he going to die? Is he dead right now!?!', are just a few of the questions that are popping up inside of Dean's head.

Dean grips the steering wheel as he tries to calm himself by listening to the radio. As if on cue the song that comes on is, "Lips Of An Angel" by Hinder.

"Honey why are you calling me so late? It's kinda hard to talk right now."
The song begins to play and Dean rolls his eyes slightly as he listens to the song.

'What the hell? Out of all songs, why this one?', Dean thinks as he lets out a soft sigh through his nose.

Either way Dean didn't really mind, a song is a song and he is already have way through it so he listening isn't a bother, in a odd way. Anyway at one point Dean starts to think about Castiel being with him on a ride to a field where the meadows grow high. He imagines that they are laying on the hood of the impala staring up at the stars as the sky slowly turns to night, it was a really romantic scenery. The twilight sky would set the mood for the lovers- lovers!?!? Woah, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold up, what? Why the Hell is he thinking about Castiel in that kind of way and with that kind of scene!? Dean thought about it for a moment and to be honest it wasn't that bad of an idea. Then Dean hears more of the song still playing in the background.

"It's really good to hear your voice, saying my name it sounds so sweet. Coming from the lips of an angel, hearing those words it makes me weak."

Now Dean starts to imagine how soft Castiel's lips must feel like or having those deep crystal blue eyes shut just for a second so Dean could have those soft lips against his own. Having them fit so perfectly with Dean's lips. Then a simple, "I love you", in that deep gravelly voice that would make Dean melt.

Then Dean imagines Castiel climbing on top trying to take the lead, which he knows Castiel would lose and he would turn them over just staring into Castiel's ocean blue eyes for a good minute. Then he would slowly lean down going for a light kiss on Castiel's lips then Dean would slow make their to tongues collide into a heartwarming passionate kiss. After that Dean would pull away and start to kiss down Castiel's neck, claiming what is rightfully his. He would begin to move lower down Castiel's body, making the Angel a moaning mess...


Dean is snapped out of his thoughts and had to immediately readjust the Impala because it was about to hit a tree. He then slowly pulls off onto the side of the road, sitting there with wide eye as he breaths heavily.

"Holy shit..." Dean says under his breathe.

Sam, who has been up this whole time warning Dean in time, is just starting at Dean with a, "What the fuck!?", expression on his face.

"Dude! What the hell?! I thought the Impala is your baby and you were about to crash it seconds ago. You were just staring off into space. What were you thinking?" Sam asks while not taking his eyes off of Dean.

"Sorry man, I was just wondering if Cas is doing right now." Dean says some what lying because he was in wondering if Castiel is alright, but that wasn't the big picture of what he was thinking about.

Sam looks at Dean for a moment just studying his face knowing something is bothering his brother.

"Dean, are you doing alright? You seem distracted about something." Sam says calmly after having time from almost dying...again.

Dean just nods his head and turns back onto the road now only focused on the road alone. Sam watches Dean for a moment before letting out a small sigh and turns away looking out his window. After awhile he slowly takes out a small plastic container holding the sample of the pollen from the barn and starts to observe it inside the container trying to notice anything different. He is planning to bring it to Bobby so they can analyze it more. Hopefully the pollen isn't lethal in anyway.

They finally reach the Bunker and for some odd reason Dean has become very jittery and anxious. The moment he walks inside the Bunker he quickly turns to Sam and says,

"Well it's been Hell of a day and I'm really tired. Goodnight Sam, see you tomorrow."

Leaving Sam confused and utterly shocked as he watches Dean rushes away to his room. Once Dean got to his room he slams his door shut behind him and quickly undoes his belt and pants, sighing in relief the second his prolonged boner is released.

"How the hell can someone have a boner for a two hour car ride?" Dean says out loud and slightly annoyed while he lays on his bed as he takes out his hard cock from his boxers and immediately starts stroking it fast needing sweet release.

Dean has masterbate many times before, but for some odd reason this time it is different. He feels every stroke, every pull, and every little squeeze on his cock he can pretty much feel everything, but isn't getting the relief he needs desperately and he doesn't know why. He strokes faster and harder then starts to imagine Castiel masterbating and that is the hottest thing he has ever imagined in his life, but it still wasn't giving him the release he needs.

Dean keeps going till and he is up on his bed at this point and accidentally moans Castiel's name. What he didn't expect next is that Castiel responded to his call and appears in Dean's room with only the sound of wings flapping. Lucky Dean hears the sound in time as he stops masterbating and quickly covers himself with his blankets.

"Cas! What did I tell you about-" Dean cuts himself off when he sees Castiel and his current condition.

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