Prologue: Historically Incorrect

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Every kingdom keeps an account of all sorts of events of its history in their archives. Be it the boring details of the economy and welfare or the exciting heroes and warriors of legend – all are written down by the scribes and kept in the private libraries only to be accessed by the current ruler and whoever he or she deems worthy enough to enter.

But these tales of legend, the fantastic stories that tell of heroic victories and life-changing points in history, tend to be a little… inaccurate.

Take the kingdom of Isalgia for example. The great king Alexander was incredibly known and admired for defeating his tyrannical older brother, Ivan, who had broken the sacred law of royalty dealing in dark magic. The well-known weapon Alexander had used had been a magic sword that was able to cut through metal like butter – a gift from the fairy queen which helped him greatly. Not only did Alexander use the sword to rid Isalgia of the destruction his brother caused, but he also disposed of the dragons that terrorised all the kingdoms of that middle region. He then went on to change the national symbol on the coat of arms from a griffin to a dragon, making the national colours deep sapphire blue and forest green – the common colours of a dragon’s scales.

People of course took it that he wanted them all to remember their freedom from the harshness of the dragons… but, that was just an assumption.

Unfortunately, when the time came for Alexander’s death, the sword disappeared and its whereabouts remained a mystery. That, and a whole lot of other unanswered questions about both Ivan’s banishment and Alexander’s reasons for letting him live.

Another tale of legend was Alexander’s great grandson, Nicholas Verdane, who allowed women to train to become knights. It had been at a time when Isalgia was at war, and the kingdom desperately needed more soldiers and was forced to recruit every male of age into the army. Unbeknownst to them all, a woman had taken the place of her brother and even though she’d done a remarkable job of keeping her identity a secret, she was discovered right before the final battle. Nicholas, though outraged, had been impressed by her persistence and courage, and once she had proven herself when they’d won the war, he had agreed to grant her knighthood. His decision took everyone by surprise; after all, what woman could possibly make a great warrior?

She was Amelia Gersome, the first ever female knight of Isalgia. Her complete side of the story remained untold, but her bravery inspired other women in the process.

A more recent tale was that of the mysterious Red Hood. He was a man with no name, his face hidden behind a black scarf and a red hooded cloak. He was a magnificent fighter, his weapons of choice being the dual swords, which he didn’t fail to show off with. His most heroic act was when he killed the witch that had taken over the kingdom. But his instant disappearance afterwards left people (especially the ladies) asking more questions, ‘Who was he?’, ‘Where did he come from?’ and ‘Will he come back again?’.

They didn’t realise “he” had always been right under their noses.

Now you see; these are generally the stories that have been written about Alexander, Nicholas, Amelia and Red Hood. This is what the scribes knew based on hearsay seeing as they were never actually there and since they were only human, it went without a doubt that the tales may have been greatly exaggerated to suit the event and to make more sense.

And let’s not forget that sometimes, secrets are kept for the well-being and protection of others. And sometimes, everyone else didn’t need to know the details. So, really, each of these tales has something more to them, something that only the people involved know for sure.

This is where our story begins. One that will make its way into the archives as another great tale of history.

This one is about Isaac Verdane, Nicholas’ only son, on a journey to find Alexander’s sword and use it against the unknown threat to his kingdom. The records don’t specify exactly what happened. Sure, there was some description of all the perils and dangers he and his knights faced, but not enough to satisfy a story teller… or story listener (especially the romantic bits, you know?).

You really are lucky to be one of the few who will ever know what truly happened. For this is the untold version of Isaac’s story, with full details on how the previous stories mentioned before are all linked. You get to know what the rest of the world doesn’t – you get to know how exactly Isaac came to be known throughout history as the Dragon Prince.  


A/N: Hello, wonderful readers! Thanks for your patience. This is basically an introduction to the story ‘cause I wanted to tie up both Red Hood and this one up nicely. So the first chapter should be up soon but until then, please vote, comment and keep on being awesome.

By the way, if any of you guys wanna make a banner/cover for this story or red hood, then please go right ahead and PM me. :3



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