Roy Harper/Tim Drake x reader

Start from the beginning

"What I'm trying to say, is that I'm sick of you guys, and I'm sick of this team, so I'm quitting. All you guys do is fuck around with each other, like, I joined this team to hurt some bad guys. I didn't join a fucking team so I could have sex every other night. If you're all so goddamn desperate, start a fucking club. Kori is here to fight, not be your eternal sex toy! She's a princess alien for god's sake! She shouldn't be used like a fucking slut!"

Ugh, why am I defending Kori. That bitch, I've always liked her deep down in my heart.

I took a breath and walked away, not saying anything else.

Jason's stereo was really annoying me now. As I walked past his room, I clenched my fist, and the music was immediately cut off. I heard the stereo fall to the ground, probably crushed.

As soon as I got outside, I stopped and waited a moment. I have no idea what I'm waiting for though.


Be realistic, (y/n). If he has a sexy alien willing to have sex 24/7, why would he want you? Exactly. This is the real world.

Connecting my hands in front of me, my feet lifted off of the ground and I flew away.

My feet landed on the ground in front of Wayne manor seconds later. I knocked, and Alfred opened the door slowly.

"Who could possibly be here in the middle of the night?" He said.

He noticed me, and a smile graced his features.

"(Y/n), it's a pleasure to see you again! Would you like to come in?" He opened the door. I smiled at him.

"Yes, please. It's nice seeing you too, Alfred. It's been too long." We both nodded.

He led me to the kitchen.

"You'll have to excuse me. I'm making cocoa for Master Damian. He likes it made especially with little marshmallows and maple syrup, so I have to take my time making it."

I shuffled on my feet. I was gonna offer him my help, but he always says no.

"Well, is Di.. err is Tim here?"

What was I thinking? Dick loves Kori! He wouldn't want to hear me bashing on her! But Tim?

"Tim? Yes, I believe master Tim is in his room."

I thanked him. As I walked to Tim's room, I passed by Dick's room. I stopped and raised my hand. I could hear him in the phone.

"And she just ran out? She didn't even take her stuff?" He said. I leaned in. The other person was mumbled, I couldn't hear them at all.

"I haven't see her, no. This is ridiculous, Jason. She's probably just on her period and had a little breakdown. Nothing to worry about."

It was clear they were talking about me. Anger overwhelmed me. I though Dick was my best friend. But whenever it comes Kori or Jason, I'm always thrown down the gutter first. Bitch.

I raised my hand, and flung his phone across the room. It smashed against the door, and I turned away.

"What? (Y/n)?" He yelled. The door flung open, but I was already around the corner, walking up to Tim's room. I heard his footsteps. I didn't bother knocking as I barged in. I closed the door gently and then ran towards Tim's closet.

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