Lady Flash meets the team

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Warning: 24 pages on IPhone.
Setting: After Christina escaped from Vandal Savage and left Blue Trinity for good, The Flash lets Christina become Lady Flash and meet the Justice League and the Young Justice.
Christina's pov

I waited hours on that hill. I was waiting for the flash to come back. I need to apologize once more and I needed to give him his suit back. I took out my phone and checked the time. It's almost eleven.

"Come on flash," I mumbled and put my phone away. I looked at the box to the side of me that held the suit. I opened it and bought the suit out. Identical to the flashes suit, but mine didn't cover my head. And I looked way better in my suit.

New life. I'm going to need a job. I need an apartment. What am I going to do? I'm a former villian. No one is going to take me in. I sighed and stood up. He's not coming.

Suddenly my hair flipped all over the place and I struggled to keep it down.

"Hey," the Flash said. I patted my hair down one last time before handing the box to him.

"I'm sorry about everything."

He peaked inside the box.

"Why are you giving me your suit?" He asked.

"I really don't deserve it," I said.

He smiled and said, "Why not?"

"Well, you know. I chased after you for months," I shrugged.

"Yeah. It's okay. You were on Vandals drug." He said it like it meant nothing.

I really missed the drug. Velocity 9 was its name. I'm still addicted to it. But I'm down to about 2 pills every 3 days. I could feel myself almost drooling just thinking about it.

"Plus you earned it," he said. "It's hard to switch sides."

Like he would know. He has been good his whole life.

"Ivana, I want you to have it."

"Christina. That's my name now," I said. "But, thanks."

I took the box back and we stood there awkwardly.

"What now? Greg and Boleslaw are gone. I don't even know if they are dead or not. I don't where I'm going to go..." I sighed.

"I have some friends... Maybe they have a place to stay or something."

I almost expected him to ask me to come live with him.

"I would ask you to live with me but I live with someone already," he said awkwardly. I nodded.

(Small time skip:)

We ran for a good 5 minutes. He had to carry me because I couldn't run very well right now. He didn't ask why and I'm thankful for that.

It was very awkward though. I had my legs straddling his waist and my arms around his neck. My box was squished in between us. He said it was easier to run this way.

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