13. I'll Be Here

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"So, how many students do you think you'll have here once you get the academy up and running?"

A normal question. One that masks the pained feeling in my head and stomach and pretty much every where else. Letting Charles know that I'm in pain would only lead to him worrying, and I do not want to do that.

I push him in his wheel chair, down the cement around the back of the mansion.

"As many as I can manage," he replies, "possibly more." I smile and stop walking.

"One day the government will realize how lucky they were to have... Professor X on their side," I say, attempting to joke with him and make him feel better. Though, he seems to feel better already, and it's only been a few weeks since we left the beach.

He smiles, my heart warming at the sight. "I suppose I am a real professor now, aren't I? Next thing you know, I'll be going bald." I laugh, but it's strained. I look away from him.

"Blake?" Charles says, and I look at him, "are you alright?" His eyebrows are furrowed and I fight the urge to kiss him right there. At the moment, he is wearing a blue suit and black tie, and I'm wearing a bright purple dress and short heels, ones that I am very uncomfortable in. My dark hair is swept into a high ponytail.

"Yeah," I answer, throwing him a soft smile to prove it, "just seems like a lot of work. Running this..." I gesture to his large house in front of us, "all by yourself. You'll probably need to get some help."

Charles flashes me a small smile. "You want to stay."

We have talked about this earlier, shortly after I arrived. I told him I would be leaving right after the fighting, after this whole deal with Shaw. Of course, I changed my mind.

"Yeah," I say, a grin on my face. He nods.

"Alright." A laugh bubbles past my lips and I step forward, unable to contain my urge to kiss him any further. The sudden physical contact surprises him, but he quickly reciprocates, moving his soft lips against mine as I do the same.

It's over too soon. Despite it being very, very nice, a blush rises to my cheeks and I pull away, overcome with such an intensity that I am unable to handle.

Charles is smiling and his cheeks are a light pink, similar to mine. I feel the sheepish grin on my face.

"I suppose we should go inside," he says, "it's starting to get late." I nod in agreement and slowly wheel him back inside the mansion.

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