2. Awkward Reunion

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I awake with a jolt, covered in a layer of sweat as tears streak down my cheeks.

My hands are shaky and my heart is racing. I find it nearly impossible to calm down from that nightmare. I have not had one that bad in over a year.

Standing up, I shakily walk to the bathroom and turn the light on, looking at myself in the mirror. My stark black hair is disheveled and my cheeks are red, the image scaring me almost as much as the nightmare did.

I take a few deep breaths as I try to calm myself down. I look down at the necklace around my neck, holding the small metal piece in between my hands as I find myself easily relaxing by reading the name on each side of the metal.

On one side, it reads Logan, and on the other side, it says Wolverine. I remember back to when I received this about two years ago, after I helped this guy who was in trouble. He was being attacked by someone, who's name I cannot remember, and I saved him.

This guy— Logan— later told me that he had the ability to heal rather quickly, so I suppose that it was not really a big deal that I helped him. Still, he was amazed by my defeat and asked me to assist him in his search for somebody he was looking for.

Logan had long silver claws protruding from his hands, ones that I found rather interesting. These claws are how he got his title, probably— Wolverine. After we parted ways, I realized that he forgot his dog tags, so now I am wearing them until I run into him again.

After remembering Logan, I wash my face off, finally feeling somewhat relaxed at the memory of an old friend.

I change my clothes and go downstairs to prepare some breakfast for myself. Upon doing so, I realize that it is already five-thirty in the morning, which means I got at least two hours of sleep before it was interrupted by the nightmare.

After I eat and take another long shower, I dress and prepare for work. For the past few months, I have been working at the hospital, mostly with young children. I suppose I am quite good at fixing up their wounds.

As I walk to the hospital— it's really not that far from my house— Charles comes to mind, but even the thought of him cannot shake the nightmare from me.


I got off of work early to go down to the school and hear Charles' thesis. I thought that maybe being around him and hearing him talk, that it would make me feel better, but surprisingly, it does not.

Yet, I still stay the entire time, listening intently from the back of the large room. When it's over, I'm probably the very first one to leave, since I am the closest to the door.

Normally, I would go the Eagle now, to talk to Raven. She would undoubtedly be there, since that's probably where Charles would go to, now that he's finished with his thesis.

But instead, I go straight home, aiming to talk to Grace about this. To my expectations, she is still not home, but there is another unfamiliar car parked in the driveway. My eyebrows knit together in confusion and I step into the house, wondering how the driver of the car unlocked the door without the key.

As I step into the living room, I freeze. Sitting on the couch and sipping on a cup of tea is my mother, somehow looking younger than the last time I have seen her, which was at least eight years ago.

We never talked before, and I really do not feel like talking now.

Anyway, what's the point of talking if no one listens?

"Hello, Sara," my mother greets me, and I have to force myself not to cringe at hearing my actual name for the first time in many years.

"It's Blake now," I inform her, shrugging off my long trench coat— another thing she most likely disapproves of. "What do you want?" My mother chuckles a little in disbelief, offering me a small smile.

"I wanted to see you," she says, and my eyebrows knit together in confusion. "You're my daughter, and we have not spoken in years. I wanted to see how you were." I narrow my eyes at her.

"I'm fine," I say, my voice neutral and completely devoid of any emotion. "So, thanks, but you can leave now." She stands up, ready to protest.

"I flew nearly one hundred miles," she explains, as if that would change my mind. "And, Sara, you know that I absolutely hate flying—" Anger quickly fills me, and I turn to her.

"I don't care!" I almost yell. "I didn't ask you to come! Get out!" The glass table next to me shatters suddenly, and my mom gasps. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, trying to calm myself down.

"Mom, I—" I start apologizing calmly, but she does not stay long enough to hear what I have to say.

The phone in the kitchen starts ringing shortly after the door closes, so I go answer it, knowing that the only person that it could be is Raven.

"Hello?" I answer, talking quietly because I am still slightly recovering from that incident with my mother. A pounding had started in my head, causing me to wince at the smallest things.

"Hi Blake," Raven's voice comes through the phone, confirming my suspicions. "Look, I'm going away for a while, Charles and I." My heart sinks in my chest at hearing this, but I only pinch the bridge of my nose and sigh.

"Okay," I reply. "Why are you telling me this?"

"Well, I don't know how long I'll be gone, and I didn't want you to worry." I nod and force a smile, though she cannot see it. It is just instinctive.

"Thank you, Raven," I answer, and with that, we end the short call.

Looks like I won't be sleeping tonight, either.

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