Getting Ready

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I took the dress from my nursemaid and closed the heavy door to my chambers. I closed the velvet curtains and stood near the warm fireplace as I took off my clothes and I put on the layers of undergarments, then slipped on the carnation pink satin dress. I pranced over to my wardrobe and tip-toed into a pair of red shoes. I skipped over to my vanity and called in my nursemaid Calla and she put my dirty blonde hair up in the most elegant way I've ever seen, after all, this is a very important day. I thanked Calla as she left and I put in a pair of emerald earrings and slipped on a matching necklace. I started to close the door to my chambers when I heard footsteps.

"Oh my lord deary! That is a beautiful pink! And that emerald green necklace; it matches your beautiful eyes!"

"Thank you Melinda!"

"Your welcome deary!"

I left the hallway and stepped carefully down the stairs lifting up my dress in the most feminine way I was taught. The guards gathered around the King and Queen, my parents and the Prince, my brother and then me, the princess. Yes, this is how my life has been for 16 years. Guards everywhere, servants at your demand, yes somethings are luxuries. But it will soon get on your nerves because you never set foot outside the castle walls, you never have any friends from the village, you are educated by one person everyday for more than 5 hours and soon your brain will start to hurt, you are always scolded to be more lady-like, and you can never be yourself. All of my family members had a astonished look on their faces when they saw me walking down the stairs to join them.

"Good day Callista." They said one by one.

"Thank you." I said back to each of them.

We walked out to the carriage, powered by our strongest and fastest horses. My family climbed into the first carriage and I stood outside near it waving good-bye as they rode away. Then the second carriage came up to me and a guard helped me in and then he closed the door.

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