I settle myself down and wait for the two minutes to be up. Saxon will be angry, but I can't bring myself to care about the nymph eyeing my beta as if he were her toy.

As time ticks by I can tell everyone is getting impatient, especially Axel. Eric is the only one who seams to be enjoy himself in the tense silence. I think he's even humming, right next to Axel.

Eric stand up after getting bored of Axel's angry expression. He starts to flirt with the nymph making her giggle and smile with pleasure from the attention she's getting. Better from Eric than from Derek.

The floor board in the corner lifts up revealing a very pissed Gayle. As he's lifted up his eyes search the waiting room until they land on the nymph.

The secretary notices him. Her purple eyes grow wide open with fear.

"You little-" he starts as he marches towards her. His face red as a tomato.

"Saxon!" I call standing up cutting him off. As much as I don't like the nymph, he needs to calm down a little.

I brush off the imaginary dust, buying myself some time.

"We have business to get to,' I say walking up to him. " I have a limited amount of time, so lets get going."

His green oval eyes snap to the nymph before he huffs. "Fine." He marches back into the corner and I follow him with the others behind me.

"You brought a few people with you," Saxon remarks.

"Guess so," I reply standing next to him, he reaches my waist. I think he grew a little since I last saw him.

I look back at the nymph, she's looking at me with gratitude. I glare back at her, just because I saved her ass doesn't mean I like her.

The floor underneath us drops down a little before slowly bringing us down. We're brought into a room with four doors. The floor above us closes shut as we're set on the ground.

Gayle gets off the platform and I follow him, with everyone behind us, to the door on the left.

"I got a few things you'll be wanting to hear," Gayle says in a ruff tone indicating he's been smoking again.

He opens the door and we're hit with the noise. Machines working, cranking, buzzing, steaming and voices yelling over the noise.

Saxon walks in as if there isn't a parade of chimpanzees and a war going on through the door.

We walk along to wall, avoiding all the chemicals and machines. And most importantly, the workers.

Saxon leads us to his office, a red door that's at the end of the machine room.

"I see you haven't been upgraded!" I joke over the noise.

I hear Gayle scoff before pushing open his door. When he steps inside the room comes to life with light.

I walk in behind him with everyone in tow. The office is just as messy as it always is, papers everywhere, books stacked on bookshelves on their side or upside down. Little gadgets litter the floor here and there.

Gayle climbs over the obstacles on his way to his desk.

"Close the door will ya pal?" Saxon says.

I look behind me to catch Preston closing the door. When it's securely shut the noise disappears leaving no evidence behind of the racket going on.

I brush off on of the chairs in front of Saxon's desk and sit down. I glance back to see how everyone is processing One Way.

Travis gaps at the cluttered room, Preston seams disgusted by the dust on the shelves and unkept clutter. Eric doesn't seam bothered by anything, as usual. Derek looks impatient, probably done with Gayle and our journey to Gramma's house. Ray looks around the room, I can't read what he's thinking.

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