But before she could reply to any of his questions, the girl stood up with dirt all over her hands (hiding the heart shaped birthmark) and spoke, "Excuse me!  You had trouble?!?? Do you have any idea what she went through?  Left her alone in the middle of no where.  She's your employee, so your responsibility.  How irresponsible of you."  

"Shut up!  This is between us.  Its none of your business.  Navya let's go."  But she was stuck to the ground watching the tennis match happening between these two.    He looked at her with blood red eyes warning her he was in no mood for arguments.  

"None of my business?"  Ragini said mockingly. "Would she be my business if she was lying on a hospital bed because our car hit her?  OR maybe when someone kidnapped her?  OR when animals attacked her on that road surrounded by woods? When would it become my business?  Forget about me, when would it become your business?  When would you realize that she is your responsibility?  When she's lying in a pool of blood?  Or when a thousand hands have grabbed at her?"  Now Ragu was coming down to tears as the words came out of her mouth.  Dev and Navya were shocked at her sudden outburst.  

Dev was clueless of the girl's rant and how to react to it.  He simply watched Navya console her with a hug, " Ragu, its fine!  You told me to relax and you yourself are burning hot with anger.  You will roast khaadus if you don't calm down."  She whispered in Ragu's ears while Dev looked at her with concern.  

Ragini broke the hug and uttered "Sorry"  to Dev who hadn't expected it at all.  

"I am sorry too" He replied back shocking Navya.  "Which side did the sun come out from today?"  She thought.

"Navya we have to leave now.  I need to get there on time."  Dev said, but she was still unwilling to move away from the girl.  He went to her and tried to pull her hand but instead her kurta sleeve came in his hand.  

"What the.." He said feeling the cloth as he pulled her.

"Arre.."  Ragu said holding Navya who was about to fall. 

"What are you wearing?"  He asked with furrowed eyebrows.  

"That I..."

"Forget it.  I don't have time"  He started to drag her across the field to a blue rented Honda.  Navya just waved to Ragu saying, "BYE!  Take care.  I will meet you again!"  And Dev pushed her in the car.  

"Now listen to me carefully.  As soon as we get there start jotting down all the figures you see.   Make no mistakes.  I need all information do you understand?"  He questioned her.  

"Yes sir."  She replied.  He glanced at her quickly hearing SIR.  He felt guilty thinking of the girl's words and how he left Navya behind.  That was not a justified way to react for sure.  During the 15 minute ride he was half expecting her to start her chatter or turn on her useless songs but none of that happened.  She was sitting there silently, observing the road.  

Scene Shift:  Ritik's Office

"Ritik this prod..." Shivanya cut her words short as she entered Ritik's cabin.  He had his index finger on his lips to tell her to keep quiet while he talked on the phone.  She came and sat in the seat in front of him, listening to his conversation. 

"Yes...Yeah I understand.  The reason I feel comfortable asking you is because I know she will be much safer.  I can arrange for private safety but I can never guarantee their loyalty the way I can with you."  A long pause and then Ritik said, "Thank you so much. I will take care of the payments.  Thank you again."  And he put the phone down.

"What's happening?"  Shivanya inquired.  

"I talked to the DSP.  I asked police protection for Mishti."  

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