Ch.8 - Memories

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Heyy guyss!! Another chapter should know by now that I am probably not gonna update the whole week that's why filling the space by doing it now haha....I am just joking okay.  I might update you never know.  Anyway to come to today's chapter, it's all about Ragini, has Sanky in it too 😄. 

Hope you guys like let me know your views.

Have fun reading!

Recap: Devya's songs mishap, Navya's secret hidden in a frame.   Ragini sees Piya drunken.  Laksh is locked out of his house and Sanskaar refuses to help.  Ritik tries to stop Ragini from going to the farm but can't.  They plan for ice cream later that day.  Ragini comes across Yuvi, who falls for her at first sight.


"Shivu! Dada! Helloo! I am home, come on we have to go out guys." Ragu excitedly yells as she enters the house. 

"Yeah, yeah coming Mishti" Shivanya said.  Hearing that name gave Ragu a little jerk remembering how her brother always called her Mishti. Not anymore though.  She gave a big smile to Shivu who said, 

"Ritik just pulled in the driveway, lets go."

Ritik and Shivanya sat in the front while Ragini relaxed in the back thinking of everything that was on her mind.  "So where are we going?" She asked them.  

"It's a surprise" Ritik replied with a smile looking at her through the mirror.  

In a while, they pulled up to a small garden with rusted monkey bars, small kiddish slides, and red and yellow swings.  Seeing it made Ragini's eyes moist and she gave off a chuckle remembering the old days.  This was the park her parents used to bring them every Sunday.  

Even the screen saver of her phone was from this place only.  The picture where Ritik was holding her purple little purse as she played with her doll.  Ragini ran her hands on the cold metal monkey bars and remembered how her father always held her up to them so she didn't fall.  

She hated monkey bars but her brother loved them and her dad always said "You need to become strong bacha" to get her on.  Ragu then went to the swings nearby and a tear escaped her eyes thinking of how she always fought with Ritik on who their mom would push on the swings first.  She always used to get jealous of her Dada because her mom was on his side.  But Ragu had her dad too, her hero.  

Ragini felt a hand on her back push her and she quickly looked back to see Shivanya pushing her on the swing as Ritik took their pictures.  Ragini felt as if she was back to being a 6 year old again.  

All 3 of them sat on the swings looking at the Sun set down.  "Let's go guys, there's one more place I want to show you."  Ritik said holding Shivu's hand and was about to grab Ragu's too but she got up and ran to the slides and said,

 "One last time"

They nodded and she came sliding down the little plastic slide with her hands in the air like a kid.  

After 20 minutes of driving, they came across a brightly lit place, crowded with people and stalls with all kinds of music.  Ragini looked to Ritik with questioning look as if to ask "what is this?" 

"The local Durga mela, remember we came here once when you were 8?"  Ragini still looked at him without a clue.  Ritik then took off his suit, passing it to Shivanya, and opened the sleeve buttons of his right arm, folding it up to reveal a deep gash on the side.  

Ragini looked at it, the scar was like a 5 inch line diagonal to his wrist, right next to the heart-like birth mark near his palm, the one that Ragu had as well.  The day flashed in her mind when they both had come here with their parents. 

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