“No I’m not sick,” he said, “I'm totally fine!”

She paused her searching and asked, “Really?”

“Yes, see!” He grabbed her hand and placed it on his forehead. It felt fine. But the hand gripping hers, it felt to fine. She quickly stepped away and cleared her throat again.

“Do you believe me now?" he asked, his bottom lip jutting out adorably. "I really want to be your friend,” he said, his voice lilting a little at the word ‘friend’.
 “So…why--why do you want me as your friend?” she asked. Is this normal? Boys asking girls to be friends in this manner?

He smiled gorgeously before saying “To…to talk, to laugh together, to scream and have fun, to go out, to…to play around…” his voice trailed away and she thought she saw a certain glint in his eyes.

“Okay?” he asked, looking at her through his lashes.

Hot damn. She leaned away to avoid him but he stepped closer.

“And to keep in touch with each other…” he breathed as he brought his hand to his face and gave her a coy smile. She blinked. Are boys even capable of doing that?

Wait. Keep in touch? What did he mean by that? She frowned. Why did she feel as if what he was saying wasn’t what she was supposed to understand?


"We can, can't we?” he asked, his head titled to the side, giving her the most adorable puppy dog eyes ever.

"We can?” she echoed, blinded by his cuteness.

“Yes we can,” he nodded enthusiastically.

“Well…” Damn, why am I so distracted? She took a deep breath and looked away from him, and said, “It’s not like we can’t…but why me?”

She faced him and said, “Why not ask from the others, the prettier ones? Its not like you don’t have friends,” she pointed out.

“Those people aren’t my friends. I want some one genuine and kind and so I want you.”

Why did she feel a thrill go through her when he said that? Why indeed? asked her inner voice. She mentally slapped herself. Get yourself together!

“And if it was you, I know that you aren’t saying stuff because you want to please me. I want to know more about you and—and I really want to touch you all over—” he paused and looked at her sheepishly. “What I meant was,” he continued in a louder voice, “that I want to become closer to you Rose.”

She gaped at him. Okay. She was officially insane now. It was either him or her who had gone bonkers.

“Pleeeaaase,” he dragged, bringing his hands together, his eyes wide and innocent. “I so want you Rose.”

Okay okay. Calm down. First gather the facts. This is Evan Morris. I am Rose Carter. He wants me to be his friend. Because he wants someone genuine. Right? She opened her eyes and felt a little dizzy.

“Look…” she paused at cleared her throat uneasily. She nudged her glasses up and tugged at her hair, trying to say it as gently as possible. She possibly couldn’t agree. It would be too much trouble and she couldn’t afford to be distracted.

“I…I am sorry,” she said, looking down.

“Huh?” he asked after a moment’s stunned silence. “Are you refusing me?”

“Yes,” she said, cringing, not wanting to hurt his feelings.

“For real? No matter what I say?”

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