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This probably isn't what you guys want right now, considering I just introduced Silver into the mix, but I felt this needed to be uploaded. And it's been a painfully long while, so here goes!

Sonic was in his room, huddled on the side of his bed that was hidden from the door.
Shadow was upset with him...again.
This time it had been a disrespectful attitude to one of Shadow's colleagues.
Sonic wasn't entirely sure what Shadow did exactly. Supposedly he was some kind of agent.
An old badger had come to the house.
Shadow had invited him in.
Sonic had been skeptical of the old badger the moment he laid eyes on him.
It only took about five minutes for the agent to become utterly disgusted with the energetic little hedgehog.
And Sonic had been disgusted right back. One conversation later, Sonic commented on the Badgers double chin and big belly.
Shadow had sent him to his room.
Now the badger was gone and Shadow still hasn't come upstairs to see Sonic. That probably meant that he was madder then Sonic had thought.
He hadn't cried. Sonic didn't feel like crying. Actually, he was kinda angry.
Why should Shadow be mad?! He'd only told the truth.
The door clicked open.
Shadow entered hesitantly, he was feeling just a little guilty for sending the kid to his room, truth be told he didn't really like the old badger. But teaching Sonic some tact would have to take first priority for a little while.
Shuffling on the other side of the bed.
Shadow sat on the unmade sheets. "Listen buddy, how you acted today, wasn't what one would call good manners."
No response.
"Hey, do you know that what you said was wrong?"
"Talk to me Sonic."
Still nothing.
Shadow was getting frustrated, and he didn't want to yell again, so, he stood and said "We'll talk later." Then he left.

Sonic crawled out from behind the bed 10 minutes later. He was still angry and a little hurt that Shadow was still upset with him.
3 year olds are not, have never been, and never will be known for their excellent reasoning skills. Why? Because running away always seems like an option to them. And it was especially so for the little blue speedster. Actually, running away was the only thing that came to mind, the only possible escape.
He didn't even think about what Shadow would think as he slid open his window and climbed out onto the roof.
Sonic had been revered as the top escape artist in the social care organization. He'd once escaped from an apartment building with no access to a fire-escape, had just shimmied down the drain pipe, which was exactly what he did now. Sneakered feet hitting the ground, he ran.
Sonic had been all around the city with Shadow, it was familiar, but much too big to remember everything accurately. He didn't know he was on the edge of the city until he'd run out of city limits. Not surprisingly, there was a lot of forestry. Trees and bushes that all looked the same.
Sonic slowed down, stopping to huddle against a tree. Suddenly running away didn't seem like such a good idea after all.
It was dark, and cold, and he was hungry and alone.
Shadow was probably still angry, and didn't know he'd gotten out. It could be hours until he found that Sonic was missing.
Sonic started walking, shadows popped out everywhere. Up above the trees seemed to spin.
Sonic covered his eyes, stumbling on the uneven ground.
Twigs snapped and he wasn't sure if he'd caused them to or not.
An animal screeched.
Sonic ran. "Daaaaaaaaaaaad!"

Shadow was pacing in the kitchen. He was feeling a little lost as to what to do with Sonic. The little guy had never stayed mad at him for this long.
It was dark out now. It had been a few hours since Shadow had tried to talk to him. He hadn't come out of his room since.
Straightening his spine and asking a deep, calming breath, Shadow walked up the stairs and knocked on Sonic's bedroom door.
No answer.
Still mad?
Shadow opened the door a crack. "Sonic?"
Still nothing.
Shadow walked into the room.
It was empty.
Shadow dropped to his hands and knees and peered under the bed.
Sonic wasn't there.
And he wasn't in the closet, and he wasn't under the desk, and he wasn't in the room.
It took 3 seconds for Shadow to examine every square inch of the house.
Sonic wasn't there.
Shadow's breath came out in short gasps and he had to lean against the kitchen counter.
He wasn't there. Had someone taken him?! Yeah right. Shadow would have noticed. Then, did he...run away?
Shadow was out the door before he could even finish the thought.

Sonic was crying. He huddled against the trunk of a wide tree and pulled is knees up to his chest.
He'd been waiting for Shadow to come find him for what felt like hours. What if he wasn't coming? What if he didn't care about him anymore? What if he'd made him that angry? What if he was glad Sonic wasn't around anymore?!
Sonic sobbed into his knees again. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry I was rude! Dad please come find me!"

The woods had never been Shadow's favourite place. They were dark and full of tripping hazards. Logically, Sonic couldn't have gone too far into the woods. His legs were far too small to go further then a mile. But Shadow had already scoured every inch of the mile radius in every direction. It was time to go further.
Logic was not a motivating factor in a child's decision making process, but Shadow hoped the little guy had been too distracted to run in anything other then a straight line.
It was either a stroke of luck, or a stupid coincidence, or perhaps young, loud lungs that alerted him to the child's presence.
Sonic was curled up against the wide trunk of a tree, tears running down his small features.
A small hiccup. "Dad?"
Shadow scooped the kid into his arms and let him cry into his chest.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" Sonic cried.
"Shhhhh. It's ok. It's alright." Shadow crooned, rubbing small circles between Sonic's back quills.
When the little hedgehogs sobs died down, Shadow held him at arms length and said: "Guess what?"
Sonic sniffled and rubbed his eyes. "What?"
"I agreed with every word you said to that old badger."
Sonic's eyes widened. "Really?"
"Absolutely. And you know what else?"
"He had bad breath too."
"Ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"

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