Day 3.5 Fear - HIDDEN GabyCabezut

Start from the beginning

Cold seeped through my bones as I remembered how I saw something move out of the corner of my eyes. It was dark and blurred like a shadow, but it appeared to suck out all the oxygen inside the car because my breathing became elaborated, and even if it ached, I shifted my hips, trying to move closer to my little girl.

My whole body trembles as I remembered the first time I saw one. The eyes were dark and bottomless. The teeth were sharp, and from the top of the head, you could see chunks of dry white hair peeking out.

It was evil.

I could feel the darkness encase me. My pulse was racing as it approached me, tilting the head, curious about me.

"Saraaaaahh..." His lips didn't move, but I could hear the voice as clear as if he was whispering it in my ear. A shiver ran through me, and my eyes teared up. "Saraaaaahh..."

I wanted to draw back and hold my knees, but I was stuck inside the car and my seatbelt wasn't working. I recall thinking that I was just glad that he was away from Bailey, but I didn't realize why he didn't pay attention to her until later.

He inhaled softly and it was as if he was taking all the warmth from my body. He inhaled one more time and my whole body trembled. I was so cold, so fucking cold. My eyelids felt heavy and my arms went limp by my side, and just as I was getting lost in that glacial obscurity, I remember hearing thumps and stranger's voices on the distance.

I now know that it was feeding on me. It took me two more encounters like this to figure it all out. Mayhap, it was all a nightmare, but if it was, I'd never woken up.

I also learned that they might look different, but they are all the same: Evil, hungry and dark.

I once saw a little girl with a teddy bear on her hands. She was pale and had a bullet hole on her forehead. Seeing her like that ached even more. It reminded me of Bailey, and how little she was when she passed away.

Then again, on days like this, when I'm surrounded by shadows, when I feel them lurking around, I'm glad she's gone so she doesn't have to live through this, so she doesn't have to feel like they suck your life replacing it with coldness.

I look around and I see two of them over the corner. My jaw is quivering as I try to take a deep breath because I know what's coming. I can feel them approaching and I wish that I didn't have to see them like everyone else.

Goosebumps form on my skin as I shut my eyes.

Don't open them. Don't let them win.

By now, I know their game

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By now, I know their game. They look terrifying because the more scared you are, the better it is for them. They feed on our fear, it's what draws them closer to us.

Before I could see them, I remember that there were times when I felt a shiver run down my spine without no apparent reason, or how sometimes I felt like something passed in a blur beside me. Things that I couldn't make out, things that weren't there...

Now I know it was them.

They're always lurking around, trying to grab snippets of our energy to survive.

They live under our beds, on the back of our closets, on every dark place you have in your house.

They live among us.

And they wait.

They wait for moments like these.

When you're vulnerable, when your heart is pumping furiously inside your chest, when your breathing is elaborated or when you want to cry or scream...they're right there beside you.

I try not to let them consume me, but it's hard.

Especially when I remember Bailey and the pain and despair I felt that day comes crashing down on me.

I know they're feasting on me, and even if I try my best to calm myself down, the image of my little girl on her car seat plays in my head and I lose it.

My chest feels tight, tears roll down my cheeks and I just want it all to be over with.

I'm sorry for the rest of the people around me; mayhap my demise will help them keep the monsters at bay. Just for a little while.

Then again, I know they never go away.

They're waiting.

They're always waiting...

They're always waiting

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