And Then He Was Gone...

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        *knock* *knock* *knock* "Samantha!" my mom shouts through the door."get up and get ready for school!" I groggily sat up from my bed and looked around my dark room. "Alright mom, Ill be down in a minute." and with that I got out of bed and turned on the light. It took me a minute to adjust to the sudden change in lighting but when i did i saw that my room was still as much of a wreck as ever. Dirty clothes here, clean clothes there, honestly I've stopped being able to tell the difference anymore. There are also a few dishes up here from previous days dinners. But I still searched a bit to find some clothes to wear for the day. As I looked I found one of my favorite shirts, a black shirt with a Day of the Dead Sugar Skull on it, so I threw it on and put on a pair of dark jeans.

     I went over to my full length mirror and looked at myself. The first thing I saw was that my hair. Was. A. MESS! So I quickly got to brushing it. Then I straightened up my outfit and stood there looking myself over. I was about 5' 4" tall and had my normal elbow-length black hair, I had a nice tan almost a caramel-ish color, and I had what everyone seemed to think the perfect shade of blue eyes, I didnt really look much like my mother. She had Auburn hair and Green eyes, and was even 4 inches shorter than me. "Samantha! Are you ready to go yet? Its almost 7:20!" Mom yells up the stairs. "Yeah mom! On my way down!" I respond. I grab my phone off of my charger and run downstairs.

     I get downstairs and tell mom bye as I walk outside to start my walk to school. I looked around as i walked and the slow pace of the morning was very calming. Then suddenly a stranger bumped shoulders with me and i heard a metallic clank. I looked down to see he dropped a metal box with some sort of red button on it. "Hey! You droped..!" I started to call but I when I looked up he was gone...

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