I was confused. “Jaklobere?”

            “It means dream state in Elysican,” Alex said, his chest rumbling against my back.

            “We have our own language?” I asked, incredulous. “But you are all speaking English.”

            Alex laughed. “No we aren’t my sweet. You’re just hearing it in English because that’s what your memory muscles in your brain have adapted to. As the Vampire Rose, your ears hear any language translated into the one you are most familiar with.”

            “Then why did I just hear that in Elysican?”

            “Because,” he said, taking my earlobe into his mouth and sucking on it gently. I shivered as goosebumps arose on my arms. “Your brain is remembering our language. It’s just not translating it correctly.”

            I sighed. “So I’m still broken…,”

            Alex laughed. “What a weird way to put it. If you want it that way, then yes, you are a little broken still.”

            “But I want to remember,” I whispered. I felt the tears welling up in my eyes. “I don’t want to be broken.”

            “Shh…” Alex murmured, kissing his way down my neck. He put his cheek to mine and licked away my tears. “We will get your memories back, I promise.”

            I was still skeptical, but his words had a calming effect on me.

            I blinked my eyes, and finally got a good look at Darrion.

            “Hey, you look just like Dorian and Alex, except with blonde hair.” I pointed out the obvious.

            Darrion laughed. “Fraternal siblings tend to favor each other. Dorian is the eldest, I am the second oldest, and Alex is the youngest.”

            “Oh,” I murmured, feeling slightly stupid. “You‘re married to Charlotta right?”

            Darrion’s face deadpanned. “How’d you know?”

            “Seems all of Alex’s brothers like my siblings,” I replied.

            Alex pulled back and looked at me.

            “How’d you know they were married, Addy?”

            I opened my mouth to tell him, then closed it.

            “I don’t know.” I said, completely telling the truth. “It just kind of came to me.”

            Alex smiled. “See? I told you. You’re getting them back slowly.”

            I shrugged, still unsure and doubtful.

            “Let’s get you inside, and dressed in the appropriate clothing.” Emylide said, taking my arm. “We have so much we need to discuss.”

            I felt suddenly frantic. “Emilyde, Judia has Aiyanna! We need to discuss battle strategies.”

            She pulled away, the worry on her face obviously sketched. “What are you taking about? There is no way she could have gotten past our defenses! Darrion! Check the Princess’ room. NOW!!”

            He bowed, and ran throught the castle gates faster than my eyes could follow.

            “I’m sure everything is fine!” Emilyde soothed while she tried to take me into her arms.

            “No!” I nearly shouted. “Everything is not fine! Judia Belladona herself told me that she had taken Aiyanna and that she was keeping her until I renounced my right to the throne of Elysica! I WILL NOT ALLOW THAT BITCH CONTROL OVER MY LIFE!!

            “YOU!” I yelled at a passing guard, and I could have sworn he quivered in fear at the tone in my voice.


            “You will go and locate the nearest witch. I want her brought my quarters at once! Am I completely understood?” I asked, my voice calm, yet inside I was seething with anger.

            “Y-yes m-ma’am.” he stuttered out a reply, and took off towards the stables.

            “Adelina perhaps its best if you-“

            I whirled on my husband.

            “How the hell do you know whats best for me? Where have you been these past few years, huh? Off whoring around with some slut, using her as your personal blood bag?”

            I whirled off, leaving him standing there with his mouth hanging open. I stalked through the gates, down the cobble stone drive, and ran into the castle.

Authors Note:

            I know its been forever, but please forgive me? I havent had time, and my mother got sick and I had to take care of her J please vote and comment. I need to knw that I am loved!!! I would like any kind of response please?!

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