Chapter Seven - Opna

Start from the beginning

“Oh, they do. And that is why there is to be a wedding by the end of this week.”

I crouch down to pick up my sword and I sheath it hastily. “Well, it would be nice if people would tell me these kinds of things!” I adjust my bodice, refasten my cloak around my neck and I head straight back towards the palace.

“Valkyrie, wait!” Sif calls after me, likely having realized that probably wasn’t the best way to break the news to me. I march up the steps and hurry towards Thor and Loki’s council meeting. The meeting I was noticeably not invited to attend. I kick the door open in a whirlwind and I stand in the doorway, glaring at Loki. 

“Hey, thanks for the heads up on the wedding front! OH WAIT.”

Loki rises to his feet. “Valkyrie, now is not the time to discuss this.”

“Oh no, of course not. Don’t let me intrude on boys club! By all means, continue with your gossiping and dick measuring contests! I will see you later,” the words are practically a hiss. Loki pales but before he can do anything I’ve slammed the door behind me again. I whistle as I suddenly resolve to take care of my problem once and for all, skipping down the steps to the dungeon with great joy. 

Anger and frustration course through me and gather in my fingertips of all places, making them twitch with anticipation. Somewhere in the back of my mind I hear something telling me to calm down and stop being ridiculous. To stop overreacting. But it doesn’t feel like overreacting - it feels good. My fingers tingle like they’ve got electricity in them and as I jump the last stone step I find myself curling my hands into fists. I round the corner and my favorite guard is on duty.

“Well if it isn’!” I laugh despite myself and he growls, lunging towards me. With the flick of my wrist he is pinned up against the wall and I take a moment to cross towards him slowly, a smile creeping across my lips. He struggles and squirms but I cock my head to the side and watch as clenching my hand restricts his movement further. He gasps for air but still I show him no mercy. 

“Stop!” he gasps and watch him with narrowed eyes before I turn my back and heave the doors open. I glance back and with a dismissive gesture I release him and he slides down to the unforgiving stone floors. I turn back, done with him, only to hear his feet pounding up the stones steps. Well, good then. Let him go cry to someone who cares. 

I pull my mouth into a satisfied smirk and I march myself down the corridor of cells, my dark green velvet cloak swirling out behind me. I catch a glimpse of my reflection in the outside of the glossy, electrified cells and I flick my hair back. I feel unstoppable.

Frey’s face is the first I see as I arrive before his cell. “Hello, darling,” I purr at him. He smiles to see me, coming close to the edge of the cell. Something changes in his expression and he takes a step back.

“My lady, are you alright?”

“Never better.”

“Are you certain?”

I sigh, looking down to examine my fingernails. The open wound on the back of my hand has disappeared entirely. “Fascinating.”

“What is?” Frey sounds uptight and so I glance back at him with a smile.

“Nothing of your concern, Guarinnson.”

“My lady...”

“Look, do you want to get out of here or not, varir sykur?” I ask sweetly though my blood is rushing so quickly I can feel it and I can hear it. My heart is thumping wildly and everything about me feels more alive than it even has. Frey looks taken aback but he nods slowly. “Tell your men to get back.”

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