"What exactly are you going to do? You never did explain this plan of your throughly." I said in a curious tone.

Clary sighed and said, "The less you know, the better. " she glanced at Magnus and reached a hand in her other pocket and took a folded paper and handed it to Magnus.

"He's making you pay!?" I shouted at the folded piece of paper. "That's insane!?"

"My fathe-I mean Valentine does not hesitate when it comes to money." Clary says in a quiet tone. She also has that same look in her eye she gets every time she mentions her father. She's trying to hate him, but she can't. Deep far down she knows she still loves her father and that will never change.

I can relate to her mixed feelings about her father. I had-or still have mixed feelings about my mother. What she did was wrong, but it's hard to forgive her. After all, she still cared and loved me, at least I think she did.

"Well Clary are you ready?" Magnus asks, cutting the tension that seemed to growing.

She looked at him and then looked down at her hands, unclenching and clenching them. "You know. . . you can still back out from the plan, right?" Her voice wavered at the end. "I can't make you do this. You should know what Valentine's capable of and I don't want you to risk yourselves, so if you-"

"Biscuit, we know what your father is capable of-" Clary flinched at hearing that specific word, but Magnus continued. "-And we already agreed that we will help you and Jace." Magnus gave her reassuring smile and grabbed a hold of her pale hand and gave a it a squeeze.

Instead of feeling jealousy, like I usually do. All I felt was an empty ache at my abdomen. It then started to spread to the tip of my fingers, which left them numb. I haven't had contact with this feeling in a while. It abandoned me when I was a child, when I started to enjoy the company of the Lightwoods. I was all too familiar with this emotion; sadness.

That's what I felt, sadness. Like someone just ripped out a piece of my heart and then shoved it back to where it belongs, hanging loosely at my chest. I didn't feel fire coursing through my body, nor my blood boiling, which are the symptoms of jealousy. Just simple, plain sadness

I felt lonely all of the sudden, like Magnus and Clary just disappeared in thin air. A shiver skidded across my spine. I blink once, then twice and stopped when my vision focused on Clary.

"Well here goes nothing." Clary said as she released Magnus's hand. She then turned to me, her fake blond hair moving in sync with her movements. She gave me a tired smile and then dispatched her self from Magnus's car. I looked at her curiously, wondering where she was heading to.

"Hey Clary you do know the entrance is at the front?" I shouted at her. She said nothing, she only looked behind her and smirked at me. I scrunch my eyebrows together. Where is she going? How is she going to get in, unnoticed? A million questions where drowning my brain, so I did the most logical thing; I ran towards her.

"Clary where are going?" I said. She stopped and turned around towards the brick wall, which brought back memories. The memory of Clary's body pressed with mine and me kissing her hungrily against Takis brick wall, flashes in my eyes. I cleared my throat and looked away, suddenly feeling my face hot.

"I . . . don't understand there's-there's supposed to be. . ." Clary raised a hand and stood up straighter and grazed her hand on the brick wall, until she suddenly stop.

"What is it." I said to her, now intrigued on what she found. I crouched next to her looking over her shoulder. Her pale hand was covering a faded colored brick. This one though, was different from the rest. The brick was almost faded into this peach color, which made it look fake. "Is it fake?" I asked.

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