Chapter 2

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When Val pulled up to the driveway i felt a sudden calmness in the air. It felt so good to be back here where I can't get "punished' anymore.

As soon as I walked up to the porch and into the house, I was greeted by all of Matt's friends. Johnny, Zacky, Brian(Syn), and my favorite Jimmy! They all felt like family. "What happened this time? Can I kick this fuckers ass yet?" Matt said with a very serious look. "No Matt you do not have to do that for me! And I'm not that comfortable saying it in front of them..." "Hey! I thought we were family?" all the guys said at one time. "You all are its just... I feel as if you guys are my brothers and brothers don't want to hear about the stuff that goes on in my fucked up life." Matt suddenly walked up to me and whispered in my ear "Tell me later. I promise I wont tell anyone else." All I could do was shake my head.

After all the guys left except Brian, I went up to the spare bedroom which Val always calls my room because I come over to their house a lot. I suddenly heard a knock on my door. I quickly get up wanting to be Matt so i could tell him exactly what went down earlier. Matt was always the person that I turned to when I needed to talk to someone. I opened the door and was shocked who was standing there. He looked like an angel, dark hair that was in the air obviously with hairspray, and was leaning on the door frame with one hand. "Brian? What are you still doing here its getting really late." "I don't know I'm just really worried about you. You seemed really upset when you walked in the house. You wanna talk about it?" "No. I only talk about things like this with Matt. I'm sorry I just don't feel comfortable." "It's okay. Just know that i'm here for you if you need anything." i smiled as he pulled me into a very tight hug. I yelped in pain as Brian quickly let go of me. "Whats wrong?" He said in the most serious tone i have ever heard him speak in. "Nothing. Just you hugged me too tight." " What did he do to you Sam?"

I felt a tear go down my cheek as he tried to get me to talk to him. i clearly wasn't going to talk to him about it. "Just please go get Matt?" i said as i started to ball my eyes out. Syn quickly ran out the door and started to yell for Matt. A minute or two later Matt and Brian came into my room as one of them shut my door. "So what if Gates is here. Just start talking to me."

Matt has never been this worried about me before. I slowly moved to the other side of my bed so Matt could sit down. Syn just looked clueless as to what I was going to say. "Chris is being that way again. He is basically raping me, he has threatened to find me over and over again. Matt please don't do anything so that he finds me, that's why i don't want you to go and let off some steam." I was shaking by the time I finished my sentence.

Brian had been moving closer to me as i talked to mostly Matt. Now he had an arm snaked around my waist and the other moving up and down his thigh as if he was thinking about something. "What's wrong?" Syn looked at me confused and shook his head. "What are you thinking about in there" I said as I gently tapped his skull. "Oh nothing. Just how i want to fuck whatever his names face up." he said that with a very evil smile, but i knew he meant what he said.

After a while of sitting in silence Matt stands up to go check on Val, leaving me and Brian alone. "Brian why do you want to hurt Chris even though you don't know him?" i asked as tears filled my eyes. "Because I... have... um... always... kinda... liked you more than a friend."

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