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~4 months later~



"I found one of your letters in the wash!!"

Belle gets up from her desk and runs to where she sent Jamia with the wash. A letter from Frank sits on the top, his spidery handwriting decorates the page.

"Thanks, Jamia."

She nods and goes off as Belle walks back to the apartment.

The last letter she got from him was 3 months ago, she's memorized it.

The phone rings as she closes the door.



Her voice is stuck in her throat, as is her breath as She clutches the phone.


She says it in a whisper, afraid if she talks any louder he'll go away.

"Yeah. We-We're coming home, Doll."

"Y-You're coming home?"

"That's what I just said, isn't it?"
His laugh sounds sad and tired, "I have to go. I'll see you in about a month. Okay?"


There's a silence between them. A silence of not wanting to hang up and go.

"I love you, Frank."

"I know you do, Doll. I love you too."

And the line goes off. Belle holds the phone at her side, smiling widely.

They're coming home.

Short sorry!! I actually sorta had tears. Just wait.

Way Down. // Frank Iero AU Where stories live. Discover now