Chapter 3

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Bart woke up with a start when he heard some sort of alarm going off. Had he done something wrong?! He finally calmed down a bit when he noticed the alarm on the night stand next to him. He reached over to it trying to figure out a way to turn it off when Barry walked in. "Oh good you're awake." Barry saw the still beeping clock in his hands "Here let me turn that off for you..." he pressed the button on the clock "There you go."

Bart looked at the clock in his hands "What is this thing for? Scaring away intruders?"

Barry chuckled "No it's called an alarm clock. It's used to wake you up in the morning."

"Wow!" Bart's eyes filled with wonder "That's so retro! So people back in this time can't wake up without machinery?"

"Uh no..." Barry laughed "They just use it to help them wake up but they can do it on their own."

"Oh..." Bart mouthed as he kept looking at the clock.

Barry continued what he had come in to say "If you want Iris is down stairs making pancakes."

Bart looked confused "Why would you make a pan flavored cake?"

Barry's eyes widened "You've never had pancakes?!" he shook his head "Then come on!" Bart got out of bed and followed Barry down the stairs.

As they walked down the stairs Bart started to smell something. He wasn't sure what it was but it smelt really good! "Good morning Bart!" Iris greeted when they walked into the kitchen.

"Hi..." he sheepishly waved at her not sure what else to say.

None the less she smiled at him and showed him to a seat at the table. "I do hope you like pancakes."

"Um well..." he started but Barry decided to tell her.

"Can you believe he's never had them?!" Barry asked her excitedly.

"Really?" she looked at Bart and just shook his head "Well we'll have to change that now wont we?" she smiled and walked over to the cabinets and grabbed some plates. She then piled them each with a stack of pancakes. "Here you go Bart." Iris set a plate of pancakes in front of him.

Iris and Barry started talking about something as Bart looked at the pancakes. Well at least they didn't look like a pan flavored cake like he originally thought so that was good. He decided to just tear off a piece and see what it tasted like... hmm kind of sweet but for the most part tasted like bread. But... it was too fluffy to be just plain bread...

"Do you like?" Barry looked over at him smiling right after he had put another piece in his mouth so all he could do was nod. Barry chuckled "Don't worry I'll get you some milk." In a flash Barry had gotten up and was soon holding out a glass of milk to Bart. He gratefully took it and swallowed the piece of pancake.

"Thanks..." he then wiped the remaining milk from his lips.

"Now Bart you eat as much as you want." Iris encouraged "You're as thin as a twig and speedsters need to keep up their metabolism."

Bat nodded and looked back to his pancakes "Would you like some syrup?" Barry held out a bottle filled with some kind of liquid in it.

Bart watched as he poured some on his pancakes then set the bottle down. "Hmm..." Bart picked up the bottle and poured some onto his own pancakes. He noticed a fork next to him and decided to use that instead. He tore off a piece of pancake with the fork then put it in his mouth. "Wow..." Iris and Barry watched as his eyes lit up and he grinned widely. "This is sugar!" the just nodded confused by what was so special about it. "In the future sugar is really hard to find." Bart elaborated when he saw their faces.

"Oh." they nodded and continued eating.

"Well..." Barry stood up and cleared the table once they had finished eating. "Bart why don't you go upstairs and get changed then you and I can go shopping for you to get some clothes."

Bart's eyes lit up "Really?! Like we'll go to a store or something?!"

Barry nodded and smiled "I thought we could go to the mall. Do you have some clothes you can wear for today?"

He nodded then quickly ran upstairs not wanting to miss his chance to go to a real mall! He had heard that malls used to be the place where teenagers would hang out after school. Once changed he came running back down stairs.

Iris gave him a once over. He was wearing a grey T-shirt with a green button up on top that was open. He was wearing blue jeans and a pair of black and white tennis shoes. Then to top it off he had on a pair of black fingerless gloves. (That just so happened to conveniently had the burns on his wrists.) "You boys have fun." Iris gently flattened down Bart's hair which had gotten messed up when he ran upstairs. "I'm going to go out and get some things for Bart's room sense he'll be staying for a while."

Barry nodded and got his jacket "Sounds good. We'll see you later." He gave Iris a quick kiss on the cheek then walked Bart out the door.

Bart couldn't believe that he was going to a real mall! This was going to be so crash!!!

(A/N - Sorry if this is a kinda boring chapter it just kinda moves the story along. Stay crash and don't feel the mode!)

Bart Allen: Back to the Past (A Young Justice Fan Fiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant