BEING JOMAE-Meeting the Family

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"Okay I'm down for a surprise", I said smiling. We were driving for a little while and then his phone rang.

"Y'all can't handle it I'm busy right now"


"Where at?"


"Y'all better be happy I can't say what I want right now. I'm on my way give me about 15-20 minutes"

"You can drop me off at home if you have to", I said waiting for him to hang up.

"I'm sorry baby I'll make it up to you"


"Yeah baby you my girl now right?"

"I don't remember being asked", I said dragging it to see if he was gonna ask me out or not.

"Alright I see you. You wanna be my girl?"

"Your girl what?"

"Do you wanna be my girl...friend? Do you wanna be my girlfriend?"

"No I just got out of a relationship", I said playing. He looked mad and confused when I said that and I busted out laughing. "I'm just playing. Yes I'll be your girlfriend", I said still laughing.

"Girl I was finna be mad like how you gone make me ask you and then say no"

"I'm sorry I didn't know you were going to get that mad"

"That's wasn't me being mad. I don't want you to see me mad because I can get real ugly"

"Yeah remind me not to make you mad or be around you when that happens"

"Haha I got you", he pulled up to my house but stopped me before I got out. "I'll be by at 6:30 to get you alright"

"Okay I'll be ready", I tried to get out again but he stopped me again.

"Don't leave my presence without kissing me girl", I looked at him like he had two heads but I kissed him and oh my gosh it was worth the comment. I pulled away so he could go handle his business and I went in the house.

"Jomae where were you?", I looked up and seen my dad standing in the living room with his arms crossed.

"I went to church with someone I met at the party last night"

"Did you ask me?"

"Were you here? I didn't ask you where you were going. And I went to church daddy calm down"

"Jomae I thought we already talked about this. I'm trying not to do something I'm gone regret but you getting out of line. You just came back from church and you come back still being disrespectful"

"Daddy I'm sorry I just have a lot on my mind right now. I didn't mean to be disrespectful"

"It's alright just watch ya self. What do y'all want to eat since it's just gone be me, you, and Darius for dinner"

"Actually make that just you and Darius. I got invited to dinner tonight"

"By who?"


"Oh I'm close friend with his dad's. Be careful around him baby girl he's not always safe and by the way his dad talks about him he's not really the best boyfriend"

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