Asami raised an eyebrow. "Um okay".

She followed her father to her parents' bedroom.

Her mother was sitting at her vanity. She smiled when she saw Asami.

"Asami. Good. You're here".

"What do you need to talk to me about??", Asami asked.

Hiroshi turned to her.

"We've noticed that you still haven't found anyone interesting".

Asami's heart sank. She had a feeling where this was going. She swallowed.


"Asami", Queen Sira said standing.

"We were thinking about throwing a ball. For you".

"So I could meet someone", Asami concluded.

Her mom nodded. Asami sighed.

"Asami", her father said sternly. "You bed to find a husband or wife soon. The ball will be tomorrow night. Try and mingle with the other royals there and get to know some of them. By the end of the night, we'd very much like to know that you met someone you'd think will be fit to rule with you and marry".

Asami nodded. "I can't promise I'll fall in love at the ball but I can promise to talk to others I might find interesting".

Hiroshi gently smiled. "We just want what's best for you. To be taken care of and happy. So please try to find a good, wealthy, genuine person at the ball".

"Oh", Sira spoke up, smiling.

"The ball will be a masquerade ball. So that way you won't just go for looks. You'll be concentrating on who they are in character".

Asami thought it was sweet. The mask would make the people seem more mysterious. She nodded. It was a great way to meet new people. But she had no intention on falling in love.

Then she remembered Korra.

"Can Korra come with me?? Just in case I need someone. She'll be with me at all times unless I say otherwise. Plus, I want her to experience a ball".

Her father looked ready to disagree but Sira cut him off.

"Of coarse you can. I'd hate to seperate you two since you're almost always together. Plus the dear has been exhaustingly busy, helping out anyone and everyone. She's a sweet girl when you get her to talk. She's quite something".

Sira grinned at Asami.

Did she know?? Asami looked at her father and nodded.

"Alright then. It's settled".

The king nodded.

"Then you may go. Lunch will be shortly so we'll talk over the details then. We have much to prepare. I'll be borrowing that Korra girl from time to time. She'll be helping with the preperations and the cleaning".

Asami nodded although dissappointed that she won't have Korra around to talk to about all this. But she was glad she'd be able to have her come.

"Does Korra have to wear her usual clothes to the ball??".

Asami's mom snickered very unladylike. Asami looked at her in surprise for her random behavior.

"Heck no", Sira said. "I'll have a seamstress come up with more cleaner clothes for her to wear. Not even to look like a princess. Enough so she doesn't look like a beggar but enough so everyone can still tell she's a servant so they don't confuse her for a royal. I'll make sure she looks presentable".

When Asami's father turned his back, Sira winked at Asami. That confused her greatly. She had no idea what her mom had in mind but she couldn't wait to see.

Asami nodded. She turned and walked out of the room, closing the door behind her. She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding in.


Asami turned her head. She saw Korra and an old woman servant walking. The pair approached her.

The two servants bowed.

"Your highness", the old woman, who Asami guessed was Katara, greeted.

Asami gave a nod.

"Korra", she said.

Korra looked up at her. "Yes??".

Asami smiled. "I'm sure you know about the ball", she said.

Korra nodded. "Yes, your highness. We've been cleaning and getting the castle ready with everyone else".

"Well", Asami said, grinning. "You're coming with me to the ball".

Korra's eyes widened.

So yeah. Comment what you think. Things get kind of exciting from here on out :)

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