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0.01% of earth's population are cat-humans who can transform into animals of the cat family. Well, in Korea there are seven of them.

Seven magnificent werecat.

and four our of the seven are here ; at Hakyeon and Taekwoon's house. Which they don't know that the cute kittens they decided to keep are actually werecats. 

"Hyung, I'm hungry" Hyuk said to his three hyung who was playing around. "me too" Ken pouted cutely. He is the oldest, but he is cutest and acts cute almost all of the time. "this humans are stupid or what, they should give us rice. When was the last time we get to eat rice? I can't even remember" Hongbin complained. Ravi glared Hongbin "stop complaining. Atleast now we have house to live in"

The three nodded their head, agree with Ravi's statement. Four months ago, they were kicked out of their master's house and end up living in the small box with no food to eat. Sometimes they even have to steal fishes from restaurant.

"Hyung, let's search for food" Hyuk suggest. "yeah, maybe we can cook some rice while those two are sleeping" Hongbin added.


Hakyeon knocked Taekwoon's door, "Taek, wake up!" he whisper.

After several minutes, the door open. "what do you want?" Taekwoon ask angrily. There's a reason for being angry though, it's 5 in the morning. Too early for him to wake up. "and what's with the spray?" The point at the small spray that Hakyeon was holding.

"Minhyuk gave this to me, it'll make someone sleep as soon as I spray it to them. I heard noises from the kitchen. I think someone broke in! Do you have baseball bat or something like that?" Hakyeon ask, still whispering.

Taekwoon walk to his closet and search for something.


"yah, you guys are too noisy! Those two will wake up!!" Ken yelled, sitting on the table. 

"You're the one who's loud!!!" Ravi points back.

"Me? okay whatever. Hyuk is the rice ready yet? Hyung is hungry" Ken say out loud, almost screaming.

"You're too loud Hyung" Hyuk scold him. "and sit on the chair, you stupid cat!"

"this kid!! you're a cat too!!!" Ken fights back using his ahjumma tone.

"Hey guys, shut up. We're dead if...." Hongbin can't continue his words as he saw Taekwoon who was holding a baseball bat and Hakyeon with a spray in his hand.


"I have told you ten times already. We're not here to steal anything. We're the kittens that you decided to keep!!" Ken tried to explain. Four of them were being tied up on the chair and being accused as robbers. Ken finally decide to tell them the truth but none of the both believe him.

"How do you expect us to believe you guys?? What is this? Some sort of bed time stories. Or you guys are con-mans? Stop this shit and tell us the truth" Hakyeon says.

Ken felt like he have lose his mind. What is it that he have to do for them to believe him?

 "Oh. My. Good. look, one" he pointed a himself. "two" he pointed at Hyuk, "three and four" he pointed at Ravi and Hongbin. "There's four of us"

"We're werecats" Ravi added after that.

Both Hakyeon and Taekwoon laugh hysterically as if it was the funniest thing they ever heard "I don't believe you. At all"

"ughhh. Okay let me show you" Ken replied. If this what he have to do to make them believe. He'll do it.

Ken shift (slowly) to cat forms. His fur starts to grow. He become smaller and his tail comes out. 

After several seconds, he does a "meow" after fully shift to a small kitten.

"I'm not dreaming, am I?" Hakyeon ask himself.

CATS. | VIXXOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz