Chapter 4

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I'm sorry I haven't written any chapters for this. I still have a bunch of school stuff to do and I'm trying my best to upload chapters regularly instead of every 1 - 3 weeks. Anyway I hope you enjoy this kinda short chapter.

I woke up with my face pressed into the  stone cave floor, I quickly sat up and looked around. The fire was just a few embers and Jesse was gone, he put his serape on me for me to use as a blanket. His serape smelled strongly of cheap whiskey and dirt. The smell comforted me, I had it pressed to my nose as I waited for him to come back.

"Are you smelling my serape?" Jesse asked as he stumbled into our shelter. He was carrying a few bags full of stuff and had another bundle of sticks for the fire.

"No" I quickly said as I threw it off my "it stinks, when was the last time you washed it?" He shrugged and placed the bags on the cave floor and rummaged through them.

"I went back into town and found some breakfast!" He said excitedly as he held up a can of beans that's god knows how old.

"Is there anything else?" I asked nervously, I really didn't want expired beans first thing in the morning.

"Well I found some other stuff like canned soup and instant noodles but I was planning on saving those for later if we're going to try to get you back to your base"

"Wait what?" I said surprised "you want to help me get back home?"

"Well yeah, I can't just leave you in the middle of the dessert in your condition" he said as he gestured towards my injured leg

I guess I was wrong about him trying to abandon me, but why does he care so much about getting me home?

"Oh yeah I also picked up a few maps, a few bottles of water and some more medical supplies." He said as he dumped the rest of the contents in the bag out.

"Did you get a can opener?" I asked him

He looked off and rubbed the back of his neck "well shit"

I chuckled at his stupid mistake
"How could you forget, all of our food is in cans!" I continued to laugh

He tried his best to open it with his pocket knife, and by "open" I mean he stabbed the top of the lid until a spoon could fit inside

"It's a messy cut but it'll work" I said

We ate our "breakfast" and started to plan how we were going to get me back home.

"We could head you down this way through these cities here and head closer to where I assume your base is. The problem is, is that it's currently overrun with those talon creeps and after what happened yesterday, I assume they're after our heads."

He said hesitantly, trying to keep me calm

"But if we go around, it'll take almost twice as long and we'll have to stretch out very small food supply to almost nothing. So yeah either way we're both in danger"

I scratched my chin as I thought about what we should do

"Well if we went through the city in disguise and walked through alleyways, we could resupply and find more information on how we could get back home." I said to him

"Are you sure you want to do that after what happened yesterday, we can find a way to make plan B work. I don't want you to have to go through that again" he said to me

"We should take the risk, I don't want us to starve" I replied

"Okay let's get ready" he said

~Time skip to about 2 hours~

Traveling in the desert during the day was a thousand times worse than at night. It felt like the sun was burning me alive, well it kinda was. We had no sunscreen or any sun protection so we were both turning a dark shade of pink.

Because I was stubborn and didn't want to burden Mccree, I had insisted that I walk by myself. I could tell he was already aching and exhausted without me on his back and I didn't want him to regret helping me.

We had gotten as much food, water and other necessities and shoved them into the bags Jesse found. Carrying all that weight and walking through a desert that felt almost as hot as hell itself caused us to sweat a lot also causing dirt and sand to stick to our legs making this trip more miserable and unbearable.

After walking for what I assume to be hours I felt my legs give out and I fell to the ground.

My head hit the dirty, sandy ground and my vision started to blur.

Slowly getting darker

And darker

I could hear Mccree drop his stuff and immediately rush to my aid. He grabbed me by the shoulder and ---

I was completely out

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