Chapter ten - Day five, part four

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Author's note - So.. I'm actually going to start updating again. Surprise, surprise! Well, I'm going to update once a week (I'll try at least!) and end this story soon. It was the first real story I started to write and it pains me that circumstances had it that I stopped writing it. I really had some big plans for this story and I hope that one day I'll come back and finish it like I planed. But as some nice person commented (I'm so sorry I don't remember your name!) it's better to finish it that to just let it float unfinished in the watty universe. So! I'm going to update with the chapters I have so far, with only a quick proofread and nothing more, write an ending and then hope that one day I come back and edit it into what I wanted it to be from the beginning. I hope you'll read my short-stories while waiting for updates. Hugs and kisses

Everything stops and Derek freezes in place. I shut my eyes tightly together and panicked think, 'Please, please let me not have just said that out loud! If there's any kind of God, please let that have been a thought and not something said aloud!' I feel Derek stiffly lean away from me and with a restrained and forced voice he says, disbelief clearly evident, "What?". I feel so incredibly small and so incredibly stupid so I say with a hesitant voice, "Nothing. Just.. Nothing. Forget it". Before either of us says anything further, be it embarrassing or hurtful, we hear the front door spring open and Derek jumps off of me. From the hallway, a very happy Lily sings loudly while a male voice mumbles, "Shhh, not so loud". I jump from my bed and quickly put on my robe, this awkward thing with Derek has to wait a little while longer. 'Nobody in this fucking world are gonna take advantage of my sister! Drunk or not!', I stomp out of the bedroom, slam the door behind me to scare off the creep but realize it's Tobias helping Lily into my apartment. He looks up with an apologetic look on his face. "I tried to get her inside quietly", Tobias apologizes but Lily interrupts him by shouting "Oi mate!". "Why on Earth is she speaking in a crappy British accent?" I ask amused. "Because she wanted to be British. She wanted to see if she could get men chasing after her if she was British", Tobias answers, clearly amused, while he helps Lily up from the floor after she finally got her shoes off, with much difficulty indeed. I'm just about to snort 'That's so typical of Lily!' when I realize what he said. 'Lily and Derek are supposed to be married!' I feel panic rise in my chest. "What? But Lily and Der-", I begin but get interrupted by Tobias, "Don't, Michael. I think we all know that marriage isn't what it seems. It's none of our businesses anyways.. but I think it's clear to all of us that Lily isn't the one Derek's interested in". Tobias ends with such nonchalant, I'm taken utterly aback. Lily decides to waltz into my bedroom at that exact moment and with the door wide open, she shouts with horror in her voice, "Oh my God, there's a half-naked man standing in your room, Michael!" Derek whips around, clearly caught while trying to put on pants, and looks horrified from Lily to Tobias to me. And Lily just has to make everything so much more embarrassing "Oh, shit! Derek?! You scared the crap out of me! I thought you were a peeping Tom-Wait.. Did we interrupt you two doing the dirty business?" she ends with a suggestive smile while wiggling her brows. Derek flushes red from head to toe and throws on a shirt and pulls his pants the rest of the way up; but not before I see his still half erect manhood and by the side glance and half-smirk Tobias's sporting, he clearly noticed too. I, too, flush from head to toe; not because of what Lily said, she could've been wrong.. she obviously wasn't but she could've. No, I'm turning crimson because Tobias just now realized that I'm wearing a robe. So he's looking from Derek to me, back to Derek and ends at me. The little amused smile he wore just a second ago is now a full-blown hysterical laughter with tears springing to life on his red face. "Oh good, this is just GOLD!" he exclaims when he can finally breathe. All the while, Derek and I refuse to look at each other, too embarrassed both from them realising what we've been up to but also from my regretful outburst just before we got interrupted. I watch Lily stalk in one of my shirts directly from the bathroom into the bedroom, jumps under the duvet and falls sleep instantly. I'm totally dumbfounded and a little perplexed, 'Do I let her sleep or ask her to go to sleep on the couch?'. "Um.. Should I make her sleep on the couch?" I hear Tobias ask carefully beside me and I look at Derek just as he looks back at me. He, too, looks astonished but at the same time looks so relieved, it actually hurts, 'Yeah, I thought so much'. I let a defeated sigh go, "Nah, let her sleep.. What time is it anyways?" I walk into the bedroom to the nightstand beside the bed and reach for the pyjama pants, I never quite pulled myself together to put away. "It's 6.30", I hear Tobias say when I put the pants on with my back turned to Derek and with the robe still on. I walk to the door, turn around in the doorway and with my hand on the doorknob I say, "You can just go back to bed if you want, Derek". His brows knit together uncertainly but a grateful smile still finds its ways to his lips. I close the door behind me and avoid Tobias' curious eyes, "You want a cup of coffee? I could really use some caffeine", I say, suddenly feeling utterly tired. "Yeah.. Sure..", he obviously doesn't understand why I'm being so indifferent towards Derek when we clearly just got caught together. 'Hell, I don't even know why I'm acting indifferent towards him.. I was the one who's stupid enough to tell him I might've caught feelings for him'. I can literally feel Tobias itching to ask me about it, "So-", "I think I might have just told Derek I'm falling in love with him!", I blurt the second I hear Tobias open his mouth.. He's momentarily stunned, eyes wide and mouth agape, "... O.. Ohhkay.. Well.. OK just give me a short second to comprehend that", he answers dumbfounded but I don't give him a second; now that I've said it aloud, I realize just how much I actually fucked up. "Shit, I'm so stupid! How could I tell him I'm falling for him? I've known him for.. How long has it been? Four-five days? What am I?? Some crazy person?" I'm officially freaking out now, 'I can't panic about this! I'm just gonna get a panic attack and because I don't have Lily close by, I'm gonna get another epileptic attack!' I start hyperventilating but soon feel a pair of hands on my cheeks and my head's forced to look at Tobias. "Breathe, Michael! Breathe. In and out. Come on, do it with me. In... and out".

For a few minutes, I fight to get my breathing under control but little by little my breath goes back to, almost, normal. After a few more minutes, my breathing's as good as normal and I look amazed up at Tobias, "How did you know what to do? I've ever only been able to not get panic attacks with Lily by my side..". He just shrugs and flashes an earnest smile, "Dennis used to get them all the time when we were younger.. At least twice a month until he was twenty-two". He helps me up from the floor that we apparently slid down to and begins on making coffee. "Oh", is all I can muster, 'I've never met another person who gets (or got) panic attacks..'. We take our coffee and sit on the couch. "So... You told him you've fallen for him?", Tobias starts carefully. "I told him I think I'm falling in love with him", I slump back on the couch, brows knitted together. "Well?", he asks after a few silent seconds. "'Well' what?" I ask confused, making Tobias roll his eyes like I'm slow. "Are you in love with him?" he smiles earnestly. I open my mouth to say 'I don't know' but close it right away. 'Am I in love with him? Like – not just 'think' I am, but actually am?'. "Yeah..", I say slowly, hesitant, "Yeah.. I-I am.. I'm actually pretty sure I'm in love with him..". My heart's suddenly beating faster and my hands are all clammy from the discovery. "Shit, I've never fallen for anyone this fast before", I mumble to myself but Tobias squeals lowly beside me and grabs my shoulders to lightly shake me. "I knew it! It's so obvious at the restaurant!" I blush beet red and laugh awkwardly. But then it hits me, "No. No, that's not important right now. What's important is that he freaked when I blurted it. Like.. froze in place and started to move away from me", I say crushed. "Oh shit", Tobias mumbles under his breathe but he put his arm around my neck encouragingly, "Maybe you just took him by surprise?" Tobias tries but his tone of voice is slightly off, 'He believes that as much as I do'. I snort, "Right.. or maybe I'm just to test out his curiosity before h-", I'm cut off completely by Tobias when he injects, "Don't be daft! It's clear as the day that you aren't some test run!". "Then why'd he freeze up like that and move away?" I'm getting sick and tired of him hinting that Derek might like me back when there's no evidence that I'm more than just sexually appealing to him. "Ask him". Tobias says the, calmly. "What?! Are you out of your damn mind?!" I ask with wide eyes. Tobias just rolls his eyes, "If you want to know what he's thinking then just ask him!" Tobias rises from his seat and starts walking to the hallway. "Where're you going?" I ask startled, standing in the doorway in no time. "I think Dennis's waiting for me outside. I asked him if he could come pick me in twenty minutes when you had the panic attack", he says with an easy smile. I check the time, "That's like forty minutes ago!" Tobias just shrugs, "He probably just waited with the car still running so it's not like he's freezing". "Damn you two are like the perfect couple!" I say honestly with a dreamy sigh. This time, Tobias smiles a big, bright smile, "Thank you!". He walks to the front door and puts his hand on the doorknob but doesn't turn it. "You know.. I'm pretty sure he feels something real towards you", I knit my brows in confusion "He's texting someone all tonight – a bright smile prominent on his face.. Then suddenly..", Tobias gives me a sideways glance with a mischievous smile on his lips, scaring me a little, "Suddenly, it's like he was horny", my eyes bulge out of their sockets and I flush bright red, "And I don't mean a little horny. No, it was a full-blown pupils-dilated-panting-like-a-dog-not-being-able-to-sit-still-fly-open-running-out-of-the-club kinda horny". I feel like I'm about to explode from embarrassment, "And from what I saw from that short glance I got, the underwear he wore now wasn't the colour he wore in the club, when he came back from a dark corner with his fly open-", "Oh. My. God!! Please stop!!", I groan hiding behind my hands, face so hot I might explode, but Tobias goes on unfazed, "I remember when I sent dick-pics in dark corners of clubs to Dennis. Good times-", "Seriously, stop!!", I fall to the ground from pure embarrassment. Tobias' loud laughter fills the room, "I hope we didn't interrupt you before you got to the good part – sex. Building it up like that with little innocent dick-pics from clubs really is the best", he mocks me a little more; though, embarrassingly enough, he's being extremely seriously at the same time. "We didn't.. he hasn't..", I try but can't quite make a coherent sentence from the embarrassment I'm feeling. "What?", Tobias asks curiously. I look up at him between my fingers, "He.. Um.. He hasn't..". Tobias' face shows amazement the second he realizes what I'm trying to say. And then, like a missing piece falls right into place in his mind, "Oh shit! You keep him close then, Michael! 'Cus that guy's a keeper!" he says seriously, no chuckle, no prejudice, no nothing. Just pure seriousness. "I don't underst-", I begin, "If he's known you four days and he's doing things with you that he hasn't had the courage to do with anyone in his entire life.. Then he most feel something big and very important towards you! Remember that, Michael!" He looks at me so seriously it has me nodding my head with big eyes and an open, silent mouth. He walks out the door at that, leaves me to think everything over. Then, 'Shit! He's right! I haven't thought about it like that!'

My oh my, my sister's husband? (mxm/bxb) *Under proofreading*Where stories live. Discover now