"Now that was a close one!" She exclaimed. She turned around and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Thanks girl!"

"Uh, no problem. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm good," she laughed as she rose her sunshades from her face. "I've literally eaten people much tougher than that!"


"Oh, did I say people? I meant pigs! 'Cuz, you know, that sausage link was made from pigs."

I laughed.

"So, are you from these parts? Or are you a tourist?" The unnamed woman asked.

"You could say that," I said as I scratched the backside of my neck uncomfortably. "What about you?"

"Same." The woman gestured for me to take a seat with her at her table...and that's when I noticed the mountain stack of food piled high on her plate.

"Holy shit! Are you really going to eat all that?!" I asked absolutely astonished as she resumed her eating. From the looks of her plate, I could tell that she had bought everything from every vendor in the food court and piled it together on a single plate.

"Uh, hell yeah. A girl's gotta eat one of these days."

We continued to casually talk for the next thirty minutes. As I ate my subway sandwhich, I learned that she was born and raised in the United States and that she was visiting Italy with a boyfriend of hers. I told her that I was from Texas and that made her laugh and eventually confess that she was from Oklahoma.

"Not so close, yet not too far." She joked. She finished her food and at the same time a young boy approached the table.

"Ah, well if it isn't...Ken, my boyfriend."

I widened my eyes, but quickly masked my astonishment with a smile. The boy was Asian and didn't look older than twenty, while his girlfriend looked well over twenty-five. But, I wasn't going to judge their relationship based on the large age gap.

"Well, I've gotta go. It was nice talkin' to ya...?"

"Lizanna," I rushed out as I shook her hand. "Likewise?"


"Well, see you around Lizanna."

We parted ways after that and I casually made my way back toward the store I was previously in before wandering away. I casually pulled out the phone Andrés had given me and checked the time. It was twenty minutes past three. I hadn't thought much about it until I saw that I had twenty missed calls, all from Diamonte and Feliciana.

My eyes widened.

Shit! I forgot about our meeting time for patrols!

Cielo's POV:

Where in the hell is that woman? She was suppose to be here thirty minutes ago. Andrés better not have been shitting with me when he said that she would be accompanying me today.

I positioned my arms behind my neck as I paced back and forth inside my office in boredom. "Can't believe she's keeping us waiting. The nerve she has!" Piero grunted from his seated positioned on the couch in the corner.

"Yeah," Angelo agreed. "How long are we gonna keep waitin' here boss?"

I stopped my pacing and settled for sitting on top of my desk. "If she's not here in two minutes--"

"I'm here!!" Lizanna announced as she stormed into my office breathing heavily. "I'm--(pant)-- sorry for being late. I was preoccupied--"

"Preoccupied my ass," snarled Piero.

The Mafia's Police Girl Where stories live. Discover now