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Sasuke's POV

We've been searching for Sakura for the past few hours and we still can't find her!!

After I left I went back down the the beach for like an hour and a half. When I get back to the room Sakura is gone!!

I went back to the lobby were we all we gonna meet. "Anyone find her" Ino said. "No I checked the buffet, pool, beach, and ALL the parks here and I didn't see her!!" Dope said.

This is all my fault. She probably left because of me. "I'm gonna check our room one more time" I said then walked away.

When I got to the room I went to the bed we were sleepimg on and saw something tucked under the mattress.

It was a note.

Dear who ever found this note,
       If you are looking for me I left back home. My mom had an important business trip so I wanted to tell her goodbye. Nobody worry okay. I'll be at school when you all come back so don't worry. See you all when you get back


Something about this note I just don't get. Couldn't Sakura just call her mom instead?

I sighed and ignored that thought when the door knocked. I walked over to it to see everyone standing outside the door. "Did you find anything thing" Tenten said. I handed them the note.

"Oh thank god she's alright!" Ino dramatically fell. "Next time she should at least call" Jewls sighed.

"Well I'm just glad she's okay" Temari said. Tenten nodded. "Well then why don't we all watch a movie!" Naruto suggested. "Let's watch a scary movie" Neji suggested. "NOOO!!" The girls said. "I wanna watch soul eater!!!" Ino suggested and all the girls agreed. "Soul eater it basically a scary movie too!!" Naruto said. "Actually it's a series. Completely different from a movie" Ino argued. "Well......that doesn't matter if it's a movie or not it's still somewhat scary!" Naruto argued back.
"Not uhh Kid is wayyyyy cuter than soul!" Jewls said. "Not uhh he's to....Symmetrical...soul is cooler and cuter than him!!" Mina said. "Sorry Jewls but I'm on Mina's side" Ino said.
"I'm on Jewls side. Kid is pretty cute" Tenten said. "I agree with soul sorry" Temari said. "Will you girls shut up were trying to watch!!" Dope said. "Correction your trying to watch" I said. Naruto glared. Then girls glared at Naruto. "I mean you girls can talk all you want heh heh..."Naruto nervously laughed.

Then their conversation went on.

While my mind drifted of onto a certain someone........



Sakura's POV
I made it back home in a few hours and was running to my house. I atill had tears in my eyes when I got ther. It was empty. "M-mom" I say knowing she won't answer. I broke down on the floor crying. "I-i was t-too late" I chocked out.

After the trip
The trip was over and today was school. I would to see everyone again! It felt like forever.

I hope it won't be akward with me and Sasuke.

Do I like him?

Well I know I care for him but do I like him?

I pushed those thoughts aside and got ready for school. I walked out my house to see a black car parked in front. The window rolled down amd I saw a guy with onyx eyes and obsidian hair. "Sasuke?" I said.

"Hn. Get in" he replied.  I slowly got in and put my seat belt on. "Umm what are you doing here?" I asked. "Hn" he said. "You know I should really get you a dictionary" I sighed. He smirked and drove off.

Fool Me Once. Shame On Me. Fool Me Twice. Shame On You. (SASUSAKU)Where stories live. Discover now