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The moment has come for me to pay the price that Victor has caused me. How Edmund will be piss for this.

I sat there in an empty classroom, the windows were open. Old math problems  were still on the board, problems that looked like it was from pre-calc. A old, fat math teacher sat at her desk. She carried the horrible stench of bacon and a bad case of B.O., and one complaint about her scent could cause me more time in this hell hole. So I pretend to be busy. I traced the carvings in the old wooden desk. One read, Kill me now, or even Dear god, I hate this school. My favorite was the one that said, Who all agrees that Mrs. Carson looks like a pig? And the long string of yeses. It kills me on what people would do to destroy school property.
    Mrs. Carson, the name reference on the desk, is the world's most meanest, cruelest hell spawn. She teaches home ec, and she is old enough to remember spanking Jesus when he was born. Every year she claims that she will retire the following year, but she doesn't. She must spend every waking hour planning how to ruin the life an unlucky teen who carries bad luck to get her class. Everyone claims this woman is a demon, an immortal who lives on the torment of her students. And to be honest if I haven't met a demon or an immortal I would be right with them. Making the same comments. But there is something about her that is, well, un-human.

She walks like she stole a new pair of legs and just getting them to fit just right. Her face looks like she eats nothing but the sourest of the sourest lemon, like, everyday. And she throws mean comments at her students. And I bet she goes home in gothic mansion drinks five bottles of bourbon and then she sleeps upside down in a closet or something like that. You go to class five seconds late, to her you have become a useless member of society. If you accidently under cook something or burn it, well just send yourself to the forever alone booth, 'cause she will have none of that. You cut yourself on accident, she will remind you that monkeys can do a better job. And God forbid you not bring your homework to class. How could anyone wanted to marry and have kids is beyond me. To have kids I tell you! She has four kids, all of them in their forties and fifties. But yeah, this woman has children. Can you believe that crap?
    Luckily for me, they sent Mrs. Bardwin for detention. She is the teacher that upperclassman math teacher. I was so excited when I was able to join her class this year. There ain't nothing wrong with good ol' Mrs. Bardwin, well beside the fact she is a huge tattletale. I mean for real though. I looked at the clock above the thick wooden door, and then at Mrs. Bardwin. She was reading, still. "Oh, uh. Mrs Bardwin?"
    "Yes, what is it?" Even though she is a huge tattletale, she is a nice person. Almost too nice.
    "I really have to go to the bathroom." It was a lie, but I was getting out of here ten minutes early. I shifted in my seat like I was trying not to pee. My foot bumped into my bag that sat against my bag.
    "Okay, go then. I don't want a puddle in the floor." I stood and grabbed my bag. "Wait, why are you bringing your bag?"
    Crap, I need a lie. Oh man, oh man. "Oh, uh," I looked at my bag. I need to think of something quick. "You know, it's because." Oh man, I can't make an excuse. "Its um."
    "That time of the month, again." She whispered. Holy crap, why couldn't I think of that. I nodded my head quickly. "Go, then. Try not to make the janitor's job hard." She sighed waving her hands in front of her and returned to her book.
    "Wow, thank you. I will do my best not to make a mess." I gave her a thumbs up and then I walked out of the room. It was like taking candy from a baby. Only a really less grabby baby and more of a baby who doesn't want to be here as much as me. I walked down the empty hall. My footsteps echoed. Towards the back of the school I could hear a vacuum being used. It was an eerie and soft sound, far in the distance. I rubbed the goosebumps on my arms. I have been in this school millions of times, but when no one was around and the halls are empty. This place is creepy. So much more creepier than Alec's and Victor's weird friendship. God, I hate Victor!
    Him and his stupid but very attractive face. I hate him so much! I wish he would die already. He's annoying, dumb and weird! He follows me around, and although it's nice, he is without a doubt, annoying. I feel bad for him, though. He had it coming though.
    I sighed as I came to the front door, and even when the little voice in the back of mind said, hey, moron! What are you doing? I still kept walking out of the school and onto the busy street. Something caught my eyes as I walked past the park. A couple, my age wore normal clothes. They walked side by side holding hands. They were laughing together.
    I swallowed hard. I wanted something like that. Something normal and sweet. My choice. People like them have know idea how lucky they are. They get to chose what they want, to move freely to love who they want. They are so lucky. I wanted that. I turned my head and continued on.
    Although I am weaker than the others, more humanlike than not. They won't let me leave the Society. Like everyone in the Society I don't get to chose who I love. The Leaders of the Court do that. I noticed as I walked down the street alone, there was many couples. Some holding hands, some kissing, some embracing and some even riding in cars together. Some people throw their lives away and they miss out on such delightful things. "Meghan?" I stopped at an open cafe. "Why it is you Meghan." I looked over. A balding man in a grey three piece suit was sitting drinking a latte. I squinted trying to recall who he was and then it hit me when I saw the old bracelet.
    "Oh, hey." Chloe's dad had an half empty green smoothie. That meant Chloe was with him, and I still had her creepy little doll. "Is Chloe with you?" I asked him. I gazed around the area but I saw no sign of my best friend except for the half empty of soda that sat across from her father's.
    "She went to the restroom." He looked at his watch. "Would you like to sit with us?" He asked politely. But I know it was just politeness, she told me that he didn't really like me for some reason.
    "I'm sorry. I got to get home. My brother came in last night." He nodded and I left him with a message to inform Chloe that I said hey. When I got home it was dark and cold. Edmund should be home around this time, but I didn't hear his movement in the kitchen. Alec is suppose to be home, but I don't hear him. It was odd really, unless he was sent to do a mission.
    Father won't be home till late. So I threw off my shoes, slipped my school skirt off and unbutton my shirt. It was sweet freedom. I walked up the stairs slowly, taking my time. It is rare when no one is at the house. Usually it's when I get home early, not late like this. It's odd but I don't question it. I opened my bedroom door. The bright pink walls welcomed me. The walls were covered with posters of bands and movies, on wall was a huge poster board where I pinned pictures of me and my friends. There was some pictures of my family. Only normal pictures, not ones of when Alec graduated from training. Or every new year when training starts. Clothes were strewn across the floor, most of them were clean. I threw my bag on the floor near the large fish tank, a fish tank full of goldfish from the Wal-Mart, like 98 cents and I lost over half of them but a few still cling to life. They enjoy to hid behind the fake plants. After feeding them a pinch of food, I closed my door and continued to change out of my uniform. It was peaceful. So peaceful.
    I could get use to this. I snickered to myself. I like the quiet and I like the fact there is no Victor. It's wonderful.
    I pulled a navy blue shirt over my head and the cleanish pair of dark jeans that had been wadded up near the window. I smelt them to test their freshness, they were terrible but I just gave it twenty sprays of Japanese Cherry Blossom perfume. There was a knock on my door and I stood still. Whoever is on the other side of that door can just leave.. They kept knocking and knocking. Finally they, and by they I mean my mom, three the door open. Standing in four inch red heels, a red Calvin Klein mini dress. Similar blonde hair like mine was pinned up into a smooth bun, similar grey eyes were painted with thick mascara and smoky eyeshadow. Even her lips were even painted. When she doesn't look so pretty up, mom and I look similar.
    "Mom!" I smiled a forced smile and she smiled back at me. "I thought you weren't coming back till Tuesday."
    "Meghan." She scratched her hair with her long French tip nails. "Today is Tuesday, dear."
    "Oh." That was a fact I didn't pay attention to. But who does? Most days are just a large annoying blur.
    "What is that you are wearing?" She pointed down at my shirt.
    "A t-shirt?" I blinked slowly, she wouldn't know of it doesn't come from a fashion magazine. Although we look similar, I lack any fashion sense like my mom. There is one thing that we both share beside looks: we both want a normal life. Although she is happy in the way her life turned out, she doesn't have to fight and can do anything she pleases (only because my grandfather has a thing for my mother's mother, grandma Leah) which is why she is gone most of the time.
    "It won't do. I believe it is time for you to act like a girl." She looked me up and down. "And yes, that means make up." I swallowed hard. Fighting pimples is hard enough, now we are going use make-up? You have to be kidding. "Do you think Mr. Loiseau would want you looking like a little girl?" I was about to say something about not liking Victor. But she is already jealous of me and Victor, but she would never mention it to anyone. She had told me along time ago about her jealousy. Our little secret, she said. I stayed quiet.

When I was younger, I would watch my mother stand hours before her mirror. Carefully covering her already beautiful face with expansive make-up. I always imagined myself being like her, wearing expensive dress and make-up and not a speck of black. But after the accident with Victor, I realized her careless ways could get people hurt for I had acted like her.

When I was seven Mom told me something that she said to keep secret. And so I did, I told no one. Alec and Victor was on a mission. Edmund was at a training camp and Dad was in Ireland for the annual summer trip that each leader of the small branches go. I was sitting on Mom and Dad's bed watching Mom putting her make-up on. "Meghan." She had said suddenly. "I want to tell you a secret. A girl's secret. I can trust you, can't I?"

"Yes, mommy." I had said to her.

"I am in love." In the mirror, I watched a smile cross her lips as she was putting lipstick on.

"With Daddy?"

"With Victor." She said. She had told me that she had loved Victor since she was young. That everything she did was for his attention. I felt bad for her, because he never paid her any attention. And he never loved her. But she treated Dad like Victor treats her. Dad loves Mom, truly loves her but she can't stand him. She barely had two kids with him. I think she did tell Victor eventually, because Victor and her had a conversation once and he left her laughing as she was crying.  No one knew what had been said between them, neither would tell. After that she traveled more and when Victor got hurt, she rushed home but he would never see her.

I wonder if she is still jealous now. Especially the closer the wedding gets. She can't even look at me in the eyes.

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