Me: U there?

No reply.

Me: I'm sorry for what I said. Or did...

Still no reply. She didn't even read it. I'll call her.





Nothing. I'll call again. But this goes straight to voicemail. Fuck. I messed up, even though I don't even know what I said!-or did. Well Max, if you won't pick up. I'll just have to come over. I slip on my black converses, I grab my key's and I slide on to my motorcycle. Melody. Yes I named it. And no, I didn't name it after one of Maxes middle names. Okay, fine. I did, but I needed a name, and Melody popped in my head. It was May or Melody. Don't judge. I pull out of my drive way and I drive to Maxes house.

 Before this, happened. I thought me and Max were close, or at least getting closer. Now whatever I did, messed it up. I sigh out load, again. I slowly pull into Maxes drive way. I hop off my motorcycle and I walk up to the front door. I hesitantly knock on the door. Then a very stressed looking James opens the door. Oh thank god it wasn't Jake.

He looks up from the ground, and gives a weak, but hopeful smile.

"Do you know where she is?" He asks, hopeful.

"Who?" I question confused. His weak smile alters to a frown.

"Max. She came in, went to her room, grabbed the wooden box and ran out side. Riding away somewhere."

"Do you know where she would have went?" I asked. He shakes his head.

"No. We may be protective brothers, but we don't go that far to place a tracking devise into her phone or something. But she did turn off her phone." He sighs at the end of his sentence.

"What was in the wooden box?" I ask. He widens his eyes, in realization.

"Oh, nothing. I know what's wrong with her..." He trails off.

"Really!? Please tell me!" I whine.

"Sorry dude. It ain't my story to tell."

"She has a story? I mean a bad past." I ask.

"Like I said, it ain't my story. I can't say anything. But thanks for stopping by. When she comes home, i'll tell her you came over. You want me to give her a message?"

"Uh, sure. Just tell her to pick up my calls."

"Oh, what did you do?" He asks.

I sigh, mind as well tell him. "We went to get ice cream. Me and Max had a fight on how I 'took' her strawberries-"

"Wait. She gave you her strawberries!?" He shrieks, mouth agape.

I nod, a faint smile playing on my lips from the memory. "Yup, ask Austin about the details." I say. His agape mouth turned into a frown. "Dude, what's up?" I ask.

He lightly shrugs his shoulders. "Austin hasn't really been around lately. But that's besides the point. Keep going." He urges. Huh, I wonder what Austins been doing lately?

"Uhm, I told her to get over it," James body tenses, weird. "her body stiffened. Then right when she was about to leave, I stopped her and confronted her about it. She said that she had a brain freeze and that's her normal body reaction, and I told her that we're here, and that she can talk to us. And she blew a fuse. She started to yell at me, and say that I didn't understand. And that I don't have the right to ask her about her feelings. And she took off." I hang my head low. Feeling ashamed. James' hand cups my shoulder.

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