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Once upon a time on the right-hand side of the heart of Lev-Land, on the island of Lake of Illusions, there lived some beings of the original creation of Elior-Uel, perhaps the most wonderful beings he had created: The Iriden.

The Iriden were created with the purpose of keeping "The Eternal Remembrance," since at the beginning when creation still existed in its original state, the enemies of Elior-Uel were scheming to seize this power to manipulate and destroy the beings planted in De- Loren.

There was among the Irids a guardian who stood out for her prodigiousness in keeping memories, her name was Dan-Lil.

Dan-Lil was born on a rainy and troubled night when the rain fell so hard that it forced the Iriden who cultivated the gardens to gather all the buds of the fields into a greenhouse prepared for the day of blossoming and for such eventualities.

They worked all night, at the end they were so exhausted that they fell asleep there under the cozy place where they spent their first minutes of life.

The next day they were not awakened by the blossoming sun as they came into the world, but by a noise coming from outside the greenhouse, and the noise was bothered, they were waking up gradually, when they were already with their eyes open they shouted some To others:

"It's a child's cry!"

"All out," shouted the older Iridium, "try to find out where the cry comes from!"

It did not take much to get to the foot of a bush where the small child with black eyes and blue hair was crying:

"I need someone to go to the Blue House, we need Master Aiaros-Lil-En for this child to live," he said as he held the child in his arms. Make mandalas around me and the child, we need to balance the temperature of your body until the teacher arrives!

The sun had not yet risen when, on the horizon, they saw the glow of the master's fire mandala approaching the field of cultivation, its brilliance so much that it overshadowed the mandala of the accompanying messenger:

- By the Great Promise! What happened here? Cried the master.

"Lady, the storm ... we tried to save all the flower buds ... we do not know how it came to blossom prematurely ..."

- Calm down, my child, accidents happen! - said Aiaros-Lil-En looking gently into the eyes of that Iriden - let me have the child in my arms!

Aiaros-Lil-En examined the child carefully, noticed a detail that the others did not notice, but said nothing, looked at the other Iridas:

"I need you to move away!" She waited for them to move away from a distance she knew they would not listen to her words and said, "Lord Acalanata!" - Aiaros-Lil-En's mandala lit up like a star of great magnificence and three more mandarins lit up and overlapped over his, as the teacher's flames descended, all Iriden present there could see the smile The beautiful blue-haired child.

"What's she going to call herself, lady?" - Interrogated the most graduated among the cultivators

"Your name will be Dan-Lil, because to save her I gave part of my memories."

HELIANTOS IN AUTUMN -Chronicles of EisabeldanWhere stories live. Discover now