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The night was beautiful, the two moons full on Vnol-Lil-En reflected splendor in the lake of illusions, as on the night she was ordained mistress. She knew she would not be there for a long time, she looked at her companions and stared at Incra, probably the young lady would succeed her in the masters of the blue house. Incra had a differential, although she and her three sisters were born the same day, she was three degrees ahead of her sisters, and she bore memories that would quickly tear the minds of others.

"She's very much like me," Dan-Lil said.

The four sisters looked quickly at the teacher.

- Is there a problem, ma'am? - They spoke in chorus

- No! Just thought a little loud ...

Looking again at the projection of the moon on the lake, he saw how much he missed Ald-Nalden (The Island of Lake of Illusions).

"You are dismissed .... Seal the door to my quarters, I must get some sleep!

The crowd of prisoners knocked over the wall of the labor camps, she saw for the first time the desperation on her mother's face. Beasts of shining armor captured her mother and counted her hair, life seemed to leave her little by little; Dan-Lil with watery eyes and sobs contained, seeing his mother close his eyes could not stand it and began to shout,

- Mom! - The cry echoed in your room

It was once again the same dream, it was one of the secrets she kept with herself, she knew that Iriden could not dream, the closest she could get from dreams was a memory of the dreams of others, but they pursued her all her life and it was those dreams Which led Dan-Lil to break the Arn-or-Iriden (code of the Iriden).

She got up and opened the window so that the rays of the sun touched her naked body, threw the long blue hair over her breasts, rubbed her eyes.

- Once again the same dream!

She was already dressed when they knocked three times on the door of her chambers:

"De-uriltrenterzilnen Il-detlium," she said (why she knocks three times at the door).

-Risl-iodterzilnenure-denrite-le - (thinking three times if I really want to enter).

This was a ritual used by both the Celestial Order and the Iriden when someone knocked at their door unannounced. The voice was not of a woman, she knew that day would come, she was afraid, but she had to answer for her actions, took her sword wrapped in a red silk cloth and walked towards the door.

Outside the master's companions were already in a position to fight against the possible intruders, Incra wielded his swords tied to the ends of the fabric of his kimono, the roses tattooed on Maicra's body began to move on his skin and two huge thorns Were born from his wrists, Bulena already had her flute of illusions to her lips, Sibylla left her room with a bow in her hand.

Even in the midst of such a hostile environment visitors could not help noticing the entire tattooed body of Sibyl, tattoos were symbols never seen before by them.

- Iriden! Put down your guns and break the door seal! Dan-Lil's voice came from inside the room.

The sisters lowered their weapons, the visitors moved away.

On the bedroom door was a drawing of a small child with eyes drawn and dressed in oriental clothes. Sibylla walks past them completely naked, hands her bow to Bulena's care, puts her hands on the doorposts, and touches with her back the drawing of the small child with eyes drawn, the drawing is slowly transferred from the wood to its skin.

The door opens. Dan-Lil turns her eyes to her companions.

"How dare you raise your arms to a Lord Guardian!" - Dan-Lil said irritated - Sibyl wear your clothes!

HELIANTOS IN AUTUMN -Chronicles of EisabeldanWhere stories live. Discover now